Chapter 9

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Adrien walked out of the school building with Marinette.

"Are you sure you're ok? You look a little pale." Adrien said, his voice laced with worry and concern.

"Yeah..*huff*..I'm fine..*huff*..just a little out..*huff*..out of breath..*huff*.." Marinette managed to get out before collapsing.

The truth was, her head hurt like crazy. So much so that she felt dizzy and exhausted. Just standing up caused her trouble, not to mention walking.

At the first sign of her legs giving out, Adrien shot his arms out to catch her before she managed to hit the ground.

She was unconscious.

He picked her up gently and held her bridal style. He rushed to get her home, then thought better of it. He rushed to the nearest ally way and transformed into Chat Noir before racing to the nearest hospital. He knew she needed immediate medical attention.

Once he got to the ER, the doctors took her from him. He reluctantly let her go, torn between knowing she needed the medical attention, but at the same time, not wanting to have to leave the fragile girls side.

Chat paced in the waiting room, nervous, scared, and worried beyond belief. He was so worried he didn't even see the people who were staring at him, some even taking pictures.

Not long after Marinette was taken away, a doctor walked up to Chat and began talking to him.

"Hello Chat Noir. I just contacted Marinette's parents, unfortunately they are very busy at the time. But they aren't that worried since I told them you are here. She is fine. The blow wasn't that bad and didn't do much damage. She should be waking up soon and I want you to take her to her house immediately so she can get some rest at home. I suggest you carry her since I don't think she will be in any condition to walk. Actually, I'm going to issue a special doctors order for you to carry her home 😉"

"So, can I see her now?" Chat Noir asked completely ignoring the wink the doctor gave him as well as the way he acted.

The doctor sighed and gave him her room number. He was barely able to here the thank you that Chat mumbled before running down the hallway towards the room that held Marinette.

A/N: sorry this is so short and so late. I've been working for my summer job lately and haven't had much time to write, let alone any inspiration to write. See you all next chapter.

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