Chapter 6

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*knock knock knock*
The sound came from Adrien's bedroom door.

"Are you awake yet?" Nathalie called through the door. "I have your schedule ready and so is your breakfast. You should hurry or you'll be late for school"

"Almost ready.." Adrien mumbled as he threw his bag over him and grabbed Plagg as he ran towards his door. "Coming" he shouted running towards the door. "Thanks" he responded, snatching the schedule from Nathalie's hands as he ran downstairs to eat his breakfast.

"Cutting it a bit close this morning aren't we? Maybe you shouldn't have stayed out so late with your precious purrincess." Plagg smirked as Adrien shoveled his food into his mouth.

"Shut up" Adrien mumbled so only Plagg could hear him with his mouth full of food. "I'm heading out" he shouted as he ran out to the car parked outside.

"Hey dude, how're you feeling? Haven't seen you since you fell." Nino said as soon as Adrien walked out of the car.

"I'm fine. How's Alya doing?"

"She's fine, she's been worried about Marinette though." Nino sighed.

"She woke up though"

"Wait, WHAT? How do you know?" Nino cried, totally confused.

"I, uh, was worried so I called her parents this morning and they told me." He managed to get out.

"Uh huh. Well, if you say so." Nino said suspiciously, not buying a word of it. But he didn't want to push his friend and school was too close to starting for a full on interigation, so he left it alone.

The two walked into class and spotted Alya.

"How are you feeling?" Nino asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just really worried about Marinette is all." She responded.

The three took their seats and class started.

*time skip brought to you by Adrien's day dreams about Marinette*

Once class ended, both Adrien and Nino turned around to talk with Alya.

"Why don't we all go visit Marinette?" Alya offered to the two in front of her. She knew Marinette would be happy to see Adrien, and she didn't feel like third wheeling at the time.

"Sure" the two boys responded. Adrien was planning on visiting with Alya, even if she didn't offer.

Once they arrived at Marinette's hospital room, two of the three were pleasantly surprised to see Marinette awake, while Adrien just pretended to be surprised.

Alya had the most to say. "Girl, are you ok? I'm so glad you're awake. You won't believe it, but sometime after the akuma attack, Ladybug showed up and fixed everything while everyone was sleeping!!! The schools totally fixed now! I wonder why she did it so secretly though?"

"Wh- who knows." Marinette responded nervously.

"How are you feeling Marinette?" Adrien asked, walking a bit closer to where Marinette lay in her hospital bed.

"A-Adrien!? Wh-What are you? I-I'm good, notasgoodasyoulook, I mean as you must be because you look ok, after that akuma attacked and, uh. Yeah. Uh, how are you doing?" She managed to get out after a lot of stuttering.

"Hehe. I'm fine. I'm glad you are too." Adrien responds trying very hard not to embrace her with all the force of his love. It would be really odd for her, especially since she doesn't know he's Chat and that he already knows her little secret.

"Well... Here is the work you missed from class today." Alya jumped in, handing Marinette a small stack of papers.

"Great." Marinette sighed. "Any chance you were planning on staying with me to help me with all this work?"

"Sorry girl, I gotta go check out the school for the Ladyblog and see if I can find any thing out. Maybe Adrien will be willing to stay and help you." She smirked, winking at Marinette during the last part of the statement.


"I wouldn't mind staying to help you. I don't have any plans for a while." Adrien responded.

"Uhh... Thanks for the help. I mean, whith the work and uh.." Marinette stuttered.

Alya giggled while leading Nino out of the room. "We'll just leave you two here for now then." Alya giggled as they left.

"So, how long are you going to be in here for?" Adrien asked.

"I should be out the day after tomorrow. The doctors said that they want to keep an eye on me to be absolutely certain that there isn't any damage that escaped any of their previous examinations." Marinette responded calmly, looking down at the papers her friend gave her.

"Well, how about we start up on this work so you can be all caught up when you come back." Adrien smiled. They started on the work, which went surprisingly quickly with Adrien's help.

A/N sorry this took so long. Hope you enjoy it 😄

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