Chapter 8

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The next day

"Girl, what are you doing back so soon!?" Alya practically shouted as she glomped her best friend with glee.

"The doctor said I'm fine and that it doesn't do me any good to sit around in a hospital bed when I can be productively working on my studies." Marinette sighed in response at the fact that she had to go back to doing school work so soon. She doesn't enjoy being behind, but she doesn't like having to do the work just as equally.

Adrien and Nino were walking and heard the latest of the conversation.

"Hey, Marinette, you're back." Nino said towards the girls.

"Yep, but I'm only going to be here for half a day since I received a minor concussion." Marinette responded.

Adrien smiled at her, still worried about her.

"You should be careful." Adrien started. "Concussions are serious, so take it easy."

"Thanks Adrien, will I careful be. I mean careful I be will. I mean..."

The other three silently giggled at Marinette's awkward stuttering. She just blushed and hung her head in embarrassment.

"Well, we should get to class." Adrien said.

The four headed to class giggling to each other and enjoying themselves before they had to submit to the cage of class in the prison called school.

"Oh, look who's back, queen of dweeb squad."

"Shove off Chloe." Alya responded.

"Ok" Chloe responded, shoving Marinette into the wall, before entering the classroom.

"Marinette!" The three shouted.

"Are you ok?!" Alya cried as she rushed to her friends side.

"Yeah, fine, I just, hit my head a bit, I'll be fine." Marinette responded.

"Maybe you should go home and see a doctor." Adrien said.

"I'll be fine." She replied, ignoring the pounding headache she now had.

The four entered the classroom and took their seats and class started. Marinette could barely focus the entire time. She felt like her head was going to split in half.

"Girl, are you ok?" Alya asked when she looked over to check on her friend and saw her grasping her head.

"Uh, huh, uh yeah, yeah I'm fine." Marinette mumbled.

This made Adrien perk up a bit and listen a bit more intently.

"Alright, if you say so." Alya sighed submissively. She knew how stubborn Marinette could be when she wanted.

Once class ended, Marinette stood up to get ready to go home. Unfortunately, she stood up too quickly and swayed a bit. The room became blurry and spotted.

"Woah there, are you ok?!" Adrien exclaimed, catching Marinette before she collapsed.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I just need to get home so I can rest."

"Why don't I walk you home. Just to make sure that you're ok." Adrien rushed the last part since he was a little nervous.

"Aww, isn't that cute😄." Alya whispered to Nino, watching the scene unfolding in the classroom.

A/N: sorry this is so late and so short. Ran out of inspiration for this chapter. Well, hope you enjoy it. Please let me know, I enjoy comments. See you next chapter 😄

A Knight and His Princess. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя