Sky full of stars

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I look up, all I see is the black sky full of millions of glistening lights. I'm fascinated, as I get to my feet I realise that it has worked, I'm in space.

My name is Hazel Ackers and I was a wild 27 year old girl who worked making fake passports to get immigrants into other countries, I got paid good money and business was good. That was until someone caught me and I was accused of being an accessory to murder. I fled, I had to start a new life, new name, new city, new job. My new job was working as a secretary for a secret government known as The Cooperate Balance Agency, CBA for short. I moved to Virginia, Langley and managed to buy a flat with the money my late mother saved for me. She died 7 years ago and I still miss her.

After 2 years of working with the CBA, someone sent me a file of every single illegal act I'd committed in my past. There was a lot, they promised they'd make it all go away if I helped them get on board NASA's new space shuttle, which was to launch in the next few months. The CBA was already going to be there, so this wasn't a difficult task. Being the pathetic girl I was, I accepted the offer and the plan was to hack into the system for the shuttle launch at the NASA headquarters in Langley. The person who was threatening to leak my file, didn't like NASA and I'm still not sure why.

30th January 2016
I plugged in my hard drive and added a code into the system which would slow the take off by about a minute. Plenty of time to distract the security guards and get someone on board. The man told me that I was to meet him round the back of the shuttle near the engine as there was a small door at the back and he needed someone to close it. I arrived a few minutes before launch and he still hadn't shown his face. I heard a muffled voice over the intercom when suddenly a video showing footage of my criminal do-ings were being streamed to the entire crowd, including my colleagues and bosses. The video ended quickly but then a live camera snapped a photo of me and broadcasted it onto the screen. Before security had a chance to chase me, I pressed the door button and clambered in. There was nobody to close the door so I hoped and prayed and held it tight shut. It was extremely hot in the shuttle, I passed out. Not knowing whether it launched or not.

So here I am, I don't know where I'm heading or even if I'm going anywhere at all. I've just woken up and haven't managed to really look around yet, I wonder if there's food or anything at all that can keep me alive. I scavenge the shelves and manage to find some tins of food, this should keep me fed for a bit. I continue looking, there's some books here. I pick up a book and blow off a layer of dust on the cover. I roll my eyes at the ironic title,'Is the solar system real?' a conspiracy theory by a man named Winston Darwin. I sit back down in the dark, hot room. I flick on the light switch and to my surprise there's a note on the other side of the room. As I approach the note I realise that it's addressed to me, me and my late mother...

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