Theres no place like home

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"Wait...but that doesn't make sense. My birth certificate says I was born in America. That..that's not possible!", I say in a serious tone. "Do you want to hear the rest of the story or not?" Leo says sternly, whilst staring straight into my clear blue eyes. I nod and let him continue. "Your mother was due to go back down to earth after 3 months of being here because she wasn't suppose to be up here for as long as she was. Her colleagues and bosses said that it would be impossible for her to survive more than 6 months on this planet without developing a serious disease. But after a month, your mother had fallen in love and became pregnant, she was not prepared to put you at risk by returning to Earth to give birth to you. So she decided to stay for another 8 months. You were also the first human to be born on this planet! Anyway, your mother waited for you to be born, not knowing if she was going to survive more than 6 months. The pregnancy was stressful, but a success and your mother was able to survive. We're still not sure how...She wasn't due to come check on us with you for a long time until after she'd returned to Earth with you, but she never returned."

Leo looks at me with sympathy as if he knows the next question I'm going to ask. "So, who's my father?" I say while trying to blink back the tears. I might actually have a family member left, I thought I had nobody! "Your Father is a very clever man indeed. However when your Mother went back down to earth with you, he couldn't handle it so he rebelled and created another tribe on the South side of this planet, he planned to go back down to earth but he knew he wouldn't be able to survive in those breathing situations". Leo says while clearing his throat and waiting for my next huge amount of questions. "Is he still alive? Does he know I'm here? What's his name?"I ask in a polite but enthusiastic manner. "Yes, 0099 is still alive. He's had some difficulty with his mental state but he's very much alive. I would be surprised that he knew you were here, unless we have a leak in our town and their providing him information. Highly doubt it." Leo says as he glances down with a nervous expression on his face. I think he's got something on his mind, perhaps my arrival is going to cause trouble for the planet?

"Darlin, you must be very tired after your long journey here. How about I set you up in the guest room and you can get some sleep?" He says, eyebrows raised. "Well actually i'm
not that tired really, I slept mostly on the shuttle and I'd really like to go outside and see...", before I can finish my sentence Leo interrupts me. "And see your Father? Oh you've just arrived and now you want to leave. I knew this would happen! You can't leave, you're our soon to be reigning Queen!" He says in a sarcastic manner. At the same time Leo finishes his sentence, two men walk into the small closet-like room and lead me to the guest room. The door is labelled 'Sector 7, Tribe 3'. Before I enter, they hand me a grey hoodie and a notebook, I figure I'm going to be in here a lot longer than I should be. They close the door and lock me in. I'm a prisoner all over again!

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