Tale of twins

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"Wait, what he's my brother. So not only have I just found out who my real Father is, but I have a brother too!" I exclaim with more tears running down my face. I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad. I could be happy because I'm no longer alone, but then I could be sad because my Mother never told me about them. Why did she keep it a secret? Was she ever going to tell me about them?
"There's a few things you should know about your brother, before you get to properly meet him. He's your twin, but he was not expected. You see we don't have the equipment to view what's inside a Mothers stomach on Planet Scaro. We thought you were just an extremely big baby, that was until another one popped out though. He also has been through some tough times in the past few years involving him being kidnapped, he's still not coping with what happened to him." My Father says with a sympathetic look cast upon his face.

A quiet creak is heard from the door behind me, my brother slowly walks into the room. His face is sad, does he know who I am? "Hello, we met before. But not properly" I say to my twin. He looks at me, his eyes are smiling. He doesn't respond, he just nods. He begins to write something down on a piece of paper and hands it to my Father. I wait for a bit for him to read the note. My Father clears his throat before replying to my brother."0209, this is 0252. Her real name is Hazel, thank you for rescuing her for me. She's your sister you know, your twin." My brothers smiling eyes change to give my Father a stern look. He still continues breaking the news. "You both have the same parents, I'm sorry I never told you. Your real mother doesn't live on planet Scaro, but she was the Queen, she was one of the creators of this planet too." 0099 says, whilst walking closer towards my brother. My brother storms out of the room without even glancing at me. I run after him, ignoring my Fathers calls and sighs.

"Wait, I want to speak to you." I shout to get his attention. He turns around and stops to listen to what I have to say. "I've been alone for the past 7 years of my life. Finally now I've found you and my Father, but you won't even speak to me! At Least be polite and give me a hug, I'm your sister for goodness sake. I thought... I thought you'd want to get to know me" I say halfheartedly. As soon as I finish my sentence, he throws himself into my arms and sobs loudly. But still no words exit his mouth. Just mumbling and heavy breathing. This must be difficult for him. "I love you, even though we've never seen each other until now. I will always care about you, because you are my twin" I reassure him. He releases me from his arms and wipes away his tears. He takes a piece of paper and a small pencil out of his pocket and begins to write something down for me to read. When he's finished writing, he hands it to me and turns away cowardly. It reads "Hazel, I would love to speak to you, but I physically cannot as it's very painful. I do love you very much, as I too was alone. However, it is difficult for me to express this love with little ability to speak, your going to think I'm a freak when you see why. In Fact, you might not even want to know me. But I'm always going to be here for you, if you ever need me."

What does he mean he can't speak? I look up at him as he's slowly walking away with a shameful look on his face. I wander over to him, but before I can ask, he turns around and removes his bandana from around his mouth and shows me why. His mouth is surrounded by scars of deep cuts, there is not one place without a scar. The corners of his mouth are stitched together with wires, it looks painful. He can't completely open his mouth, but he tries to and shows me the inside of his mouth. I peak inside, my poor brothers tongue has been cut out, he is left with barely any teeth. I look back up at his sad face in pity as he pulls the bandana back up. "I'm so sorry, who did this to you?" I say, gently resting my hand on his heavily tattooed arms. He screws up his eyes with hatred as he begins to sternly write down something again. When he hands me the piece of paper, I almost faint. It reads "Leo, from the North Side."

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