Who's next?

27 2 4

As I walk into the small room, the cold temperature in the room suddenly hits me. No wonder they gave me a hoodie! I pull the grey, oversized hoodie over my scruffy, dirty work shirt. It doesn't smell very pleasant, but it will have to do, unless I want to freeze of course. I lie down on the bed in the room and rest my head on an almost rock hard pillow. I close my eyes and think about the information that's just been brought to my attention. I try to picture what my Dad could look like, does he look like me? Is he even human? Wait, am I even human? I'm so confused, but I can't wait until I can eventually meet him.

I open my eyes to the faint sound of children singing. I take a peak outside through the small, high up window in the room. There's some sort of ritual taking place on a small patch of grass in the far distance. I listen carefully to try and understand what it is the children are singing. I manage to pick up one word, Julie. Of course, it had to involve me and my Mum some how. I wait a minute until they repeat the chorus of the almost hypnotising tune. "Our saviour, we love you. The true one, we love you. Julie, we love you. Queen Julie, we truly love you", the children's voices echo. Well, clearly my Mum was treated like some sort of Goddess here. I'm not surprised, she was a lovely woman that everyone liked.

I sit back down on the bed and open up the notebook I've been given. I doodle for a bit, until I notice a page towards the back of the book which is folded over. I decide to turn the page open. The page shows a list of 5 number sequences, some which are crossed off. The first two number sequences are 0002 and 0001, both of them are crossed off the list. The three other numbers are 0099, 0209 and 0252. Wait, didn't Leo mention that my Dad was called 0099? Why's his ID number in this book? If my Dads on the list, are the other numbers representing more people?

I slam the book shut quickly as I almost jump out of my skin when the door barges open. "We've managed to find you temporary housing accommodation for you to stay in, I'll take you there now." Leo says while beaming. I stuff the notebook up my jumper and follow Leo. Leo turns round the corner when suddenly I'm grabbed from behind! I struggle and the unknown attacker keeps their hand remaining over my mouth. "Eh Hazel? Where've you gone now?" Leo shouts while foolishly walking round the corner. The attacker quickly injects Leo with a needle in the side of his neck, he's still breathing but drops to the ground in a sleeping heap. The attacker removes their hand from over my mouth and mumbles in my ear, I just about make out what he's saying in his slow, slurred speech.
"0252, it's not safe here..."

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