Daddys little girl

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My heart beats quicker and my palms begin to sweat. I can't believe I'm finally not going to be on my own, for years I've mourned and wished that I had someone else out there. Someone who can make me feel less alone. The past 9 years have been too difficult without anyone. As I'm lead down the corridor, which doesn't seem to be ending, several thoughts enter my head. But wait, what if my Father doesn't love me? What if he doesn't want to know me? What if he's dangerous? I guess the only way to find out is to meet him. Finally we reach the end of the barely lit corridor, we're now face to face with an even bigger door. The door has a barricade across it and a big key hole, it's much bigger than the other door. 0202 removes the barricade and reveals a large brass key from her pocket."After you, gorgeous!",0202 says smiling and struggling to open the hefty door.

As the door slams behind us, the commotion of people rushing to different places is disturbed. Everyone stops what they're doing and silence fills the huge hall. I'm suddenly the centre of attention, I'm not sure whether to be scared. Everyone is looking at me. 0202 is just grinning as I'm watching them all slowly move closer towards me. They all have blank expressions, I'm not liking this. "Hazel! You're here. Everyone move out the way, let me see my little girl", a loud voice booms from the end of the hall. I'm guessing it's my Father. The people all get back to work as he approaches. "I'll leave and give you two some time together, nice to see you again" 0202 says. He's almost here now, like I said, the hall is big.

"Oh my, you've grown! Oh my, how you've grown. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He says, before spreading out his arms to greet me with a big hug. He's quite a short man, he has dark curly hair and a bit of a curly beard. He's quite handsome, I can totally see how he was Mums type. "Haha, yeah. I'm okay, just still in shock I guess. I just found out not long ago that you are my Father, I'm still not sure how to handle that. No, they didn't hurt me." I reply. "Oh good, yes it shocked me too when I was told you were here. I never thought this day would come. I thought I'd never see you again." 0099 says whilst walking me out of the busy hall and into his office.

I sit down on the chair facing him and his desk. "So, why are you here?" He says with a slight sign of anxiety, almost as if he's concerned I've been sent to spy on him.Will he believe me when I tell him what happened? After all, this is one big coincidence that I crashed here right?
"I climbed into a shuttle during a NASA launch, it crashed and I ended up here. I believe I landed in the North side of Planet Scaro. They are all very nice and welcomed me in. Except, there was a man named Leo who was acting a bit strange around me. He told me about you and then put me in a small room like I was his prisoner!" I exclaim in confusion. "No Hazel, those people are certainly not nice. They are very manipulative and sneaky people, please be aware of them. Leo is the worst, him and me don't exactly get along either. We have... Some history. If you end up back in the North, be cautious and don't trust anyone" he says whilst giving me a serious look. "There is also one more thing I need to ask you about" I murmur whilst pulling the notebook out of my hoodie. "What's this? And why are you and the guy who carried me here in it?". I give him the notebook, we exchange nervous glances for a bit as he reads the page. "That's a hit list, dear. 0001 is your mother, 0002 was her friend, 0099 is me and 0252 is you."Who's the other number belong to Dad?" I say, tears filling my eyes. "The last number on the list is 0209. The man who carried you here, he's your brother"

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