First and Last letter

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5 minutes later
I'm still staring at the letter not knowing whether to read it or not. So was this some sort of plan? Is the letter from the future? A part of me doesn't want to know what it says, but it seems important so I take a peak. The letter reads:
'Dear Julie and Hazel Acker's. You'll be pleased to hear that your application was accepted for this rare opportunity. It's been 13 years since you both applied and we give you our deepest apologies for being unable to meet you in person and for our late response in getting back to you until now but that's another conversation for another day, it's far too complicated to explain in one simple letter. Just wait and see what happens next and if you find the task is too difficult ring us using the phone provided on the wall , you know what to do. Yours Sincerely, The CBA'.

I turn my head to the side to scan the wall for some sort of device which I can use to phone someone. There's no phone, just fried wires sticking out of the grey brick wall. I continue to look around the space shuttle, I'm so tired I can practically feel my eyes effortlessly drooping downwards. It must be getting pretty late, but then it's so dark outside that it could be afternoon and my body would still probably think it was the middle of the night. I begin to approach a small pull out bunk bed. Finally I can get some sleep! I clamber into the small bed as its springs creak loudly, it seems quite old and smells a bit damp, but it'll do.

31st January 2016
BEEP BEEP BEEP! I jump out of bed startled, my hearts pounding. The ear piercing noise hasn't stopped and it's beginning to hurt my head. I race around the room searching for where the noise could be coming from. There's a light next to the window and its flashing bright red, I think the noise is coming from there. There's no switch to turn off the alarm. I begin to wonder what triggered the alarm. I rub my eyes hard but I still can't tell whether I'm falling or not. I seem to be moving faster than I was before though. Suddenly, the shuttle hits the ground, the collision hits me hard which knocks me to my feet. I stand up slowly and take a minute to stop my dizziness. I'm not on the moon, I don't think I'm on earth. What planet am I on? The space shuttle door opens and my jaw drops as I stare in awe at what stands before my eyes.

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