Simon - 20

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20: He returns from time away

Warnings: Swearing


I hated when Simon went to visit his grandparents who were down south. He was only gone for a few days but it felt like a few years if you ask me. I sighed as I spun around in his chair. I heard a knock at the door, "Come in" I said and in came Josh. "Hey Josh" I said getting up to hug him. "Hi (Y/N), I need to tell you something you aren't gonna take well" Josh said. "Please god, don't tell me Vikk used up all the milk. I hate going to the shop for you four it really-" I began but was cut off. "No, we still have milk. Its about Simon; he just phoned telling me he won't be coming back till the end of the week. He also said he'll Skype you in a little while. I'm sorry(Y/N)" Josh said. I instantly felt like my world crashed down after hearing that. I nodded, "Okay, t-thanks for telling me Josh" I whispered and sat back down in the chair. "I'll bring you some food up when it comes" Josh said about to leave. "I-I'm not hungry" I said. "Okay, see you in a bit munch" Josh said then left closing the door behind him. I couldn't hold it anymore so I let the tears fall. I cried leaning on my arms on the desk. How can I go a few more extra days without my giant here to protect me? I need him, here, in my arms. I sat up as I heard the Skype calling tone ring out. I wiped my eyes then hit answer. "Hey baby, you alright?" Simon asked once it loaded up. I looked up, "Josh told me" I said picking at the desk. "D-did he?" Simon stuttered. "Yeah, why Simon? Why!?" I sobbed. "I can't help it babe, my grandma needs us. I wish I could come back but I really can't. Even Nick needs to stay so it's bad" Simon said. "I-I understand... I just wish it wasn't when you were there" I mumbled. "I know babe, it'll go quick I promise" Simon said. We talked for a while longer until he had to go. "Take care and I'l text you later before bed" Simon said. "Okay Si, love you talk later" I said. "Bye (Y/N), love you" Simon said and we waved before he was gone. I sighed as I turned off the computer. I went over to the bed and sat on it. Josh then came into the room. "Hey, I brought you some food and a drink" Josh said handing them to me. "Thanks illuminate" I said taking them from him. "You spoke to Simon?" Josh asked sitting on the bed next to me. I nodded, "Yeah, I did" I said. "Good, that's good. Well, I better go wash up so I'll see you later" Josh said getting up. "Bye Josh" I said then he left. Once I finished that I texted Simon goodnight and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up and did the usual stuff - minus Simon. JJ then came up to me, "(Y/N), we need to go the shop. All the others are gone and I can't function without pizza" JJ said. I sighed, "Can't you go on your own?" I asked not really wanting to go with him. "I don't want to leave you on your own now come on" JJ said pulling me to the door. "Fine, fine" I said giving in.

I was surprised when we didn't pull into the shop car park and drove past it. "Err JJ, you missed the shop" I said confused. "I know, I just need to go somewhere else first" JJ said smiling. "Okay then" I said and looked out the window. The lambo came to a stop and JJ got out me following. I saw the park where Simon and I first met. "JJ, why are we here?" I asked as we walked in onto the field. "Look" JJ said pointing to the rest of the Sidemen, the two Cal's and Joe Weller. I walked towards them, "Guys, what is this?" I asked confused. They all moved out the way to see Simon standing there with a bunch of roses in his hands. I gasped and ran into his arms. "YOU FUCKING LAIR!!" I shouted as I clung onto him kissing all over. "Surprise!" Simon said with the guys cheering behind us. We crashed our lips together; "I fucking hate you" I mumbled against his lips. "I fucking hate you too" Simon mumbled back. I pulled back and wiped the escaping tears. "Babe, babe please don't cry" Simon said stroking my cheek. "I just really missed you, Simon" I sobbed and nuzzled into his neck. "Aw (Y/N), I missed you too" Simon said holding me close; like he always does.

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