Callum (Freezy) - 48, 55 and 57

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This was requested by sweetgurl2316 enjoy!

48: Playing games together, 55: Taking funny pictures/videos with them and 57: Piggy back rides

Warnings: None


I smiled as Callum came into the lounge smiling at me. "Hey baby" he said sitting next to me. "Hi" I said and pecked his lips. "Can we play a game?" I asked. "Like what?" Callum asked wiggling his eyebrows. I giggled, "Not that type of game like FIFA or something" I said. "Okay, but I'm going to beat you" Callum said getting up to put the Xbox on. "Okay you keep believing that" I said grabbing the controllers off the table. "I don't need to believe it, I know it" Callum said inches away from my face. "I would kiss you but I don't kiss losers" I said and sat back smirking. "No wonder you don't kiss yourself" Callum said as he loaded up FIFA. I smiled, "You're going down" I said. 

It was almost the 90th minute and we were both drawing 1-1. "Come on!" I shouted as I dribbled the ball to my goal. "No, I refuse!" Callum shouted trying to slide tackle and get the ball from me. He failed so I was able to get in the box and shoot it in top right and scored. "Yes! In your face!" I shouted. I giggled and kissed his cheek, "I still love you" I said looking up to him. Callum then threw his controller to the side and began to tickle me. I burst into a fit of laughter, "No, Cal! Stop" I squealed as he tickled up my sides. I managed to push him off me but we both fell down onto the floor. I saw the game on the TV showed me winning, "I won" I said smiling at him. "No you didn't, I'm the real winner. You wanna know why?" Callum asked looking down at me. "Why?" I asked. "Because I got you" Callum said smiling. I blushed and hid my face, "Aw Cal" I said in awe. Callum took my hands from my face to look in my eyes, "I love you" he said. I smiled, "I love you too" I said and he pressed his lips onto mine. My hands reached up to his face keeping him close as the kiss deepened. We soon pulled apart, "Let's have more fun" Callum said and got up before helping me up. "Get on my back" Callum said and I jumped up. Callum help my legs as I had my hands on his shoulders. I then got my phone and got the camera up, "Selfie!" I said and Callum did a huge smile before I took it. I smiled looking at it, "That's cute" he said as I put it up on Snapchat before saving it. "My turn to take a selfie of us" Callum said as he got his phone up. "Also send me that picture" he said as he loaded up Snapchat. "I sure will babe" I said before putting my head next to him. I smiled resting my head against his before he took the picture. "I like that one" I said as I watched Callum type something. 'With this one as always <3' I smiled, "Send me that later" I said and pecked his cheek. "Okay now let's go on a walk" Callum said as he headed for the door. Callum got his shoes on, "I can't reach mine" I said. Callum then bent down grabbing my shoes before putting them on for me. "Thanks babe" I said then we left the flat. 

We had just arrived at the park and it was a nice day. I was about to take a picture of the nice scene until Callum began running. I held onto him tight laughing as he ran. I made sure to hold my phone tight as I recorded us; it was funny. After that Callum put me down and we sat on the grass. He lay back so I lay on his chest enjoying the moment. "I've had fun Cal" I said looking up to the sunset coloured clouds. "I'm glad you have baby" Callum said and reached to hold my hand. "I always have fun when I around you" I said messing with his hand. "I know and I am happy when you are" Callum said. I smiled; I love him to pieces. 

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