JJ - 59

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This was requested by Hayley_XIX enjoy!

59: He/you become(s) ill

Warnings: None


Seeing JJ ill made me upset. He'd not want me to be near him as he doesn't want me becoming ill too. I don't care though; if a cuddle will make him feel better a cuddle he shall get. Simple as. I made JJ a fresh glass of water and got him some toast. I went back up to his room and went in. "Here babe, got you this" I said as I walked over to the bed. "Baby, you really don't have to stay in all day being a mom to me, I'm fine. You go out and enjoy the day with your brother/sister/cousin (pick the one you prefer XD) it's a nice day. Don't waste it" JJ said. "I know JJ, but I'd rather make sure you're okay. Plus, they're probably busy with work/school anyway" I said. JJ sighed, "I hate when you're like this. I can't win" JJ said sitting up to eat his toast. "I know so why bother?" I asked smirking. "Shut up" he said before coughing. "I'll get you some tablets, eat up" I said and left the room. I went into the bathroom looking for paracetamol but couldn't find any. I then went downstairs and looked in the cupboard of medical supplies. I found some and took them up to JJ. "Found some" I said and handed him two tablets for him to take. "Thanks (Y/N)" JJ said then took them with water. "No need to thank me, just doing my job" I said and pecked his forehead. "Now, shall I get the laptop so we can cuddle and binge watch a series on Netflix?" I asked. JJ chuckled, "Sure" he said followed by coughing. "Jeez man" he said afterwards. I got the laptop and loaded it up. I let JJ pick and he picked Orange Is The New Black; good choice. We got cuddled up and comfy and I pressed play.

After spending all day in bed on Netflix we decided to get up. "Why don't you have a little walk around the garden to let some fresh air into your body" I said. "Sure, if you join me" JJ said putting his hand out. "Yeah, of course" I said and we left his room. Once we were outside we held hands and walked around. We got talking about anything and everything with JJ coughing every now and again. He is getting better its the paracetamol. JJ began to get cold so we went in and sat in the kitchen talking with Josh and Simon as Vikk was either filming or editing.

The next morning JJ felt a whole lot better and could do a lot more. "You seem yourself now Jide" I said kissing his cheek. "I feel myself now... that sounded weird but you know" JJ said laughing afterwards. "But it's all thanks to you (Y/N). I love you, thank you" JJ said and pecked my lips. "I love you too JJ" I said and we hugged.

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