Ethan - 16

978 12 0

This was requested by minizerk000 enjoy!

16: Argument scene

Warnings: Swearing


The one thing I hate is fighting. Especially when it is with my boyfriend. All we have been doing the past few days is having little arguments about stupid things. I was on the sofa flicking through the channels been as though my boyfriend wouldn't pay me much attention. Nothing good was on so I sighed and left it on a cooking show; better than silence. "(Y/N)!!" I sighed as my name was called. "What!!?" I shouted back. "Come in here" Ethan said so I did as I was told. I went into his office to see him standing with an angry look on his face. "What?" I asked; I felt an argument coming on. "Why has the desk got stains on it from drinks?" he asked me. I sighed, "Sorry I forgot to clean it up" I said. "I only brought this about a month ago!?" Ethan shouted. "Ethan... please don't shout" I whimpered. "How can I not when I am angry!?" he shouted again. "I will clean your fucking desk okay!?" I shouted at him. "Don't you shout at me" he warned and I backed up a bit. "Just stop it!" I said on the edge of tears. "Just shut the fuck up and get out" Ethan grumbled. I sniffed and ran out.

I had been sat in our bedroom for the best part of an hour now just sobbing in silence. I jumped as I heard the door open. I sat up on the bed as Ethan walked in. I turned away as he made his way over to the bed. I felt the bed dip as he sat next to me. I licked my lips keeping in my tears. I closed my eyes as I felt him hold my hand. I then rested on his shoulder, "Sorry love... it's all the stress" Ethan whispered. "I-It's okay.... I get it" I whispered back. "It's not okay though... I feel like shit because of it" Ethan sighed. "Get sleep and you should feel better... come on" I whispered and we got under the covers. I pecked his cheek and snuggled up close to him.

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