The Sweet Tune. Chapter 7

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(( Don't play the song until It's time please...))

You and Percy had been collecting fruit and more leaves to protect your shelter and to feed you both ever since the sun rose.
It was strange but very fun, since you both also had to fish.

You were still embarrassed about what happened last night and was acting strange, staying far away from Percy

Percy looked unhappy that you were staying away from him...
He seemed sorry and had apologised last night but you had been silent.

You made some flowers into necklaces and hats out of boredom and even started making clothes, for an hour you did this.

Percy called for you and you walked over, he looked amused by how much clothing you created.
"Ye bored Y/n?" He giggled.
"Yes...." You pout in embarrassment.

"How about we play some music to pass time?" He smiled at you while you tilted your head, a puzzled look on your face.
"Well... c'mon now Y/n!..."
Percy dragged you to a beaten up, old piano... it looked awful but also looked pretty cool as Percy had fixed it up with plants and wood.

"Does it work?" You ask as Percy grins and nods profusely.
"T...Then... Let's Play!!" You say excitedly as you two start to play the piano.
You recognised the song that Percy was playing so you started to sing with him as soon as the first verse started.
((Now you can play the song))

¤}♧Percy's P.O.V♧{¤

We sang and laughed as I played that tune....

♧♡Have you seen my sister evelyn dang she's gone and wandered off again~
I've been looking high and low where oh where'd my sister go?
She's been known to spend some time with a sailor friend of mine, I called him up and what'd he say?♡♧
♧I Ain't seen that girl today♧
♧♡ Soo if you see my sister Evelyn, tell that girl to hurry home again.
Where oh where'd my sister evelyn go?♡♧

We both kept singin while we watched animals visit us and play along, listenin and singin.

She was very talented as she danced, I couldn't help but smile while I watched her dance.
I couldn't have stopped watchin for my life, she was the prettiest pirate I ever did see... and I was glad she was my friend and part of my crew... only... I... feel somethin that I have never felt before...

It be a strange feelin...
The feelin of becomin a mess... yur heart beats faster and yur at a loss fer words...
She looks even more amazin than ever and yur heart skips a beat...
Then ye feel sick... not seasick... just... sick... a good sick... yur mouth tastes sweet and ye feel lightheaded, yur head betrays ye and ye feel and think strangely...
Ye feel... so alive... so strong and yet... ye feel like your weaker than wine...
It's... wonderful...
I love it so much...

But what could it be?
What the!?

~Narrator's P.O.V~

You had splashed Percy with water, he had looked worried, deep in thought and then he looked up at you, holding half of a coconut and grinning.
He grinned back at you and got up, chasing you while you squealed with joy.
"C'mere and face me ye coward!!" Percy laughed.
"Says th coward!" You retorted, copying his accent.
You two ran into the water and splashed eachother, Percy finally caught you and said.
"Ye naughty lass! Yur in huge trouble!" He mocked Skin Taker's jaw movement.
"W...why does your jaw move like that?" You giggle as Percy roars.
"TO GRIND YER SKIN!!!!!" And then he attacks your neck and you laugh.
"S...Stop! Stop!!! P...Percy please!!" You laughed.
He hugged you close and a laugh escaped him, he seemed so happy.

You went and kissed him....

Then it was silent....

You felt like an awful person as Percy stared down at you, carrying you bridal style in the crystal blue water.

You blushed, scared and guilty.
"P...Percy I...I'm sorry I... I didn't mea~*
Percy kissed you, again... and again and again, your face getting redder with every kiss.
He finally stopped, he looked amazed and stared down at you.
"P...Percy?" You asked as he smiled.
"I think I'm in love..."
"I think I'm in love..."
Your smile was gone as you blushed, not thinking highly of yourself you asked.
"W...with who?"
Percy looked at you with an amused face and got close to your face.
"The most beautiful lass... I ever did see... with a voice like an angel and skin like porcelain... sparkling eyes and glossy hair...
But yuh want to know her name?" Percy teased as you nodded unhappily.
"It's a secret... promise not tuh tell a soul?" Percy smiled as you nodded then he whispered in your ear.
"Her name is Y/n~♡"

He kissed you and your face grew red.
"Y/n... I feel... bravery... and love! And it's all cause of ye!!"
He spun you around and you both cheered with joy.
You couldn't wait to see the crew when they found you.

You two just couldn't wait....

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveWhere stories live. Discover now