A Small Mistake and a Big Problem. Chapter 14

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You were having the "dream" again but this time...
You were horrified...
You wanted to scream but you could not... you were but a porcelain puppet....
You could do nothing to save yourself.
You heard Percy's actor screaming.
Skin Taker was looking down at your motionless puppet...
Grinning and then he grabbed a pistol...
All you heard was a loud BANG!! And Percy scream in protest as well as shattering glass...

You looked to your side and all you saw was your shattered side... then you felt something crack upon your face as Percy's protests got louder and louder and Skin Taker cackled in pure joy then he prepared his gun again... only to be stabbed through his rib cage by none other than your cowardly hero...
They fought savagely... or what looked to be savagely.... they were in puppet form after all... and Percy was dragged to you, holding you up...
As you passed out....

The next morning... you had blood all over the bed... and you felt horrible pain where you saw or felt cracking or shattering....
You screamed....
You felt that you might die.

((Sorry about the short chapter! I didn't know what to do for it so if any of you have ideas then please post them!))

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon