The Silent Screams. Chapter 34.

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You hugged onto Jethro and Saria...
Hoping the Crackerjack wouldn't notice you....

But then Jethro started to cry.
"N...No! Sssh! Ssssh! Jethro... ssssh!" You tried desperately to calm him down but then you saw that horrific ship stare directly at you...
It had such cruel and unforgiving eyes....

It's teeth were green and very VERY sharp...

You just comforted your children... hoping it would stay quiet but of course... Crackerjack laughed...
His heartless, evil laugh.
"Well! Well! Well! What do we have here?!" He called in that sick and choking voice... calling attention to you and your children.

And then it comes over, you shivered in terror... expecting death but then you watch as it just sits beside you...

"Well I'll be!" A female voice calls and you look up to see a Rubber Fish member... looking down at you. "What's a mother doin out in the middle of th sea?" She asked in a mocking tone. You did not like this. "Just... traveling! My village went through a plague!" You lied and she scoffed at the bundles that were your children... they were wrapped in blankets you had found in the rowboat.

"Nice try lady! A young boy laughed... or at least... he looked young.... about... teenage... in his 14th year.
"But ye be an awful lier!"

He then jumped onto the boat and landed, grabbing you. "H...Hey! What are you-" "If ye won't tell th truth then you'll have to meet with the captains!" He said... half of his face was rotted flesh...
It was so sad looking...

You were pulled into the boat and brought to the captain... your children shivering and Jethro ready to cry again...
"Oh Jethy..." You say as you let him suck on your finger to calm him down.

Then you see them... all seated as it seemed they were having a meeting.
"Captains! Caught this pretty one on a rowboat without any rows...driftin off in the sea!" The boy chuckled.

Horace remembered you right away. "YOU!!"
You yelled back. "YOU!!"

"That'd be the Laughingstock's member! She's the coward's frie-" Then he noticed... your ring. "It seems... she is someone's bride... now who may that be? Hmm?" Horace stated as they locked the door behind you... laughing.

"N...None of your bisnuess!" You growled.
"Come on now! Tell us!" Horace pushed.
"Don't make me angry girl... tell us a story of the foolish man who plans to marry you!"
You started yelling and they started getting riled up...
Soon the screaming and yelling scared Jethro and everything was quiet.
They turned to a loud noise that emenated from the small bundle that Jethro was hidden in...

"Oh no... don't cry..." You begged him but being a baby... it only scared him more.
"Well I'll be darned..." Horace said as he came closer, sword in hand and yanking the boy from your hand as you let out a cry of protest.

"You and th coward?" Horace looked at your crying baby boy... "I can't believe it..."

Then Saria started giggling at Horace's voice and crawled out of her bundle.
"T...Two of e'm?"
Horace was so confused but sure enough... the babies were there...
You did not understand why they were confused... wether it was because they were puppets in another life or... what but...
They just stared in shock.

"The pussy was capable of... doing that?" Horace was suddenly red in the face and you realised... oh....


You too were now blushing. "H...Hey! N...Now d...don't be thinkin such lewd things!"
Horace then chuckled. "Says th one thinkin lewd things, I see your blush missy!" You then covered your face with one hand... he started it...

"Well ain't that just cute... a Crybaby for the Pussy!" He said as he stroked Jethro's hair. "What a pair!"

He then looked at the boy, Jethro holding onto Horace's finger and giggling.

Horace's face softened... much to your surprise... he must have not hated kids or something...

But then you realised... you spoke too soon, Horace then grinned evilly at Jethro and spooked him, you tried to run to save him but that girl held you in place. "Sunny... take our mother to the Skin Taker's cabin please." He said and Sunny listened, grinning at you. "Come on now mama..." She laughed as you heard your baby boy scream in terror, you fought Sunny now... biting her and kicking her away while she screamed in agony. Then you ran right at Horace, who had tugged out a precious hair on Jethro's head. Joe held Saria but he looked annoyed with her... yet he did not hurt her so you were fine with him...

You roundhouse kicked Horace and caught Jethro, then grabbed Joe because... he was holding Saria and you did not wish to harm him since he didn't harm Saria... and he could prove as a useful hostage...
You hated doing this... you really did...

Those Rubber Fishes chased you... all besides Joe who seemed horribly lost in what was going on.

Then you got Saria in one arm and held Joe over the boat, feeling awful.
Joe screamed and Horace stopped... along with his crew mates.

"I'll drop him! I swear I will!" You yelled as Joe screamed for mercy and looked terrified... Coral Reefers jumping up to chew on him.

"Ye wouldn't!" Sunny roared angrily.
You let him slip a bit... and he started to cry...

Then after a minute of quiet you heard Horace say.
"Drop him."

You turned to Horace in surprise.
"What good is a crewmate who can't protect himself and who bawls like a baby when he's about to get dropped into th water? Just let im drown...."

Everyone was quiet... Joe... looked betrayed and then you got mad, you then pulled Joe from the side of the boat and held him close before putting the disfigured boy down...
Then you set your babies down...
Knowing that Joe would not harm them as you attacked Horace. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!! HE IS A LIVING CREATURE!!! DON'T YOU EVER TREAT HIM LIKE THAT!!!" You barely knew Joe but you did know that he was a living... breathing being and he had feelings too...
It was okay to cry sometimes...

Then the Rubber Fishes attacked you... all besides Joe... who watched you in amazement... as you stole Horace's sword from him and slashed Sunny in the chest....
She screamed in agony and you ran, grabbing your kids and Joe... and going to jump when you were grabbed by the shoulder and everyone was quiet. And you slowly turned... to see...
Skin Taker...

He was a man... Beautiful but also... horrifying... he grinned at you...

"Why if it isn't Y/n of th Laughingstocks." SkinTaker rasped as his jaw moved unnaturally....

You screamed... a silent scream.

That man had long, white hair and big eyes, he stared at you with a grin... he had bloody hands and it was fresh... his cape and hat also looked fresh...

You stared in horror....
Your children screaming and crying as he looked at them, a sudden anger at them and the ring you had...
"You are mine..." He simply said as he grabbed you and Joe...
Putting Joe on the deck and making him hold the children. "Care for the little monsters! I'll be back!" Then he carried you into the boat...
Joe just watched you... he looked... grateful you had protected him... but afraid for you...
SkinTaker then locked you in his room... "I'll deal with you later...." He growled before leaving... you started to cry... afraid for your children... you hoped they were okay....

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