The Secrets Emerge from the Water. Chapter 40.

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You and Percy were on an adventure...

Checking out a cave with Joe, Calvery Stankoff and BananaKing.

But you had gotten deep into the cave... and you saw it...
You saw writing on the wall and called for Percy who couldn't understand it himself.

*note that this will be the most important thing you will read this series*

But the writing said.

Do not believe what your eyes potray the world around you to be
For deep within the darkened sea there lies the true key and ending...
As soon as ye see what lies below
Deep in the depths of Candle's Cove that smells of chemicals, blood and health...
Ye shall see your true selves but only if you choose to delve within that ocean blue.
Then you'll see
That who you've been
Wasn't the true and real you.

It was as if it was meant to speak to them because after Percy read it... it disappeared.

It left you both wondering...

What could it mean?

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