The Wedding Rescue. Chapter 21

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It had come time that you and the Earl were married...

You hated him with a burning passion, you wished you weren't so kind hearted, you would have killed him by now.

You frowned as you caught sight of Percy, he was forced to be a slave and now he was helping you get ready for the wedding, his face was filled with sorrow but he gave you a smile anyways.

You only looked down at the flowers you held, the veil over your face and the silent tears that threatened to stream down your rosy cheeks.

You frowned sadly and Percy finally broke the silence with a gentle voice. "Y...You look l...lovely..."
Your eyes widen in surprise as you begin to tear up. "P...Percy your.... your accent..." Percy bit his lip and looked away. "T...They beat it outta me... guess I j...just kind of gave up..."
He gave you a sad smile and you could only frown, you wanted to cry and so you did as a soldier came to get you...
It was the time to be wed...
And you hated it...

You were walked down the aisle... every step was hell as men and women talked about you...
All of the things they said were about how naughty you must be or how ugly you were...
How truly you must have been quite the bitch...

You frowned, you could feel complete sorrow fill your heart and finally...

You made it and that awful monster took your hands in his.

You went through the vows and all that and finally...
The priest asked the question. "Does anybody object to this marriage? Say so now or forever hold your silence!"

A man stood up and laughed as he said. "Yeah I object! I object that that girl is a true lover... I bet she's just a slut!" He jokes and soon more people stand up.

"I bet she's just a decoration!"

"Why don't you come over here an suck me off girly?"

"What an awful creature!"
"Yes what an awfully ugly girl!"

They said all of those things and tears filled your eyes and finally... that Earl looked at the crowd and grinned then said. "Why do you think I left the veil on?"

Everyone but you howled in laughter and said awful things about you, you were ready to break down in front of all of those people when you heard a man's scream and looked up, eyes blurry with crystal, blue tears.

You saw Percy and he had a sword... he had stabbed a soldier and was undoubtedly...
Ultimately pissed off...

He calmly walked down the isle, blood covering his fine suit as he glared everyone down and he held out his sword, pointing to the Earl and the priest.

"I... Object..."

The priest shuddered and asked.
"Might I ask why young man?"
Percy responded with one thing... and one thing only.
"She is mine... and that disgusting fool took her from me, it is obvious he only loves her for her looks and in fact... he will treat her wrongly if I do not stop him so..."

Percy looked at you, the silence in the room was enough to tell you that everyone was scared and shocked as he stepped up to you and slightly lifted your veil, seeing the blue tears stream down your face and he pouted.
"See? All he will do is make her cry....
I plan to make her smile that wonderful smile she has... no matter how scary it may get in our life." He smiles at you and you hear the crowd go "Awwe."

The Earl hissed angrily as he fought Percy once again...
This time... Percy was not distracted... this time... Percy won as he kicked the Earl into the cake that had been prepared and ran off with you. You could see the gleam of excitement and mischief in his eyes as he held your hand and ran with you, to the top of the boat where... Ms. Laughingstock waited... that Percy had been plotting this get away... dastardly pirate...

You smiled again and he looked at your face and grinned. "Well there ya are miss Y/n... and here I thought ye would be sad forever!" He spoke in his natural accent and you punched him in his arm. "You faker!"
Percy grinned playfully and picked you up, taking a leap as he asked. "Faker? I know not of th meanin of th word!" He was joking but you stuck out your tongue anyways and then you gathered your dress and ran down to the cannons, you got Percy's help and Janice found you two.
"Percy! Y/n! Ms. Laughingstock told us we would find you again!" She cheered as you and Percy filled the cannon.

She went to get the others as you and Percy shot that cannon and as you sailed away, you watched the Earl's ship sink... and laughed as it did...
You were happy it was over... all of it...

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveWhere stories live. Discover now