Janice's Return Home .Chapter 23

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It was a sad day on the Laughingstock... another friend was leaving... Janice... Percy and crew had decided to bring Janice back home...

So they sailed for a long time...
Percy trying to lighten the mood with music...

Of course... even Percy's happy sea shanty would not lift the spirits... however... you knew it was better this way...

Skin Taker would hurt Janice if you didn't get her back home...

You finally get to a cave that holds a portal within it and waved to Janice... watching her brave her way to the almost impossibly difficult thing... she slipped and slid... the rocks tore her clothes and you thought she would die but she was brave and strong... after passing through said portal... it showed an image of her father hugging her tight... they were happy again and you sailed off...

It was strange... being the only girl other than the boat itself....

You stared out into the darkening sky as Percy grabbed your hand and dragged you inside.
"What's wrong Percy?" You ask as he looks at you... fear all over his face.
"Skin Taker..."

((Sorry about the short Chapter but I just wanted to ask you guys.
Would you like a male X Percy reader? I mean... I don't wanna leave out the other gender as I know there are homosexual males out there!
And if so... dominant male or bottom bunk male?))

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveWhere stories live. Discover now