Two Teens and a Not so Secret, Secret. Chapter 49.

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Jethro sat on the beach, looking out at the ocean and feeling the waves around him.

He was listening to the sound of the birds as the sunlight hit his skin...

He hated his ankle... that was the source of his inability to walk yet... his father said that it would fix itself when the afternoon came but he wasn't sure he could wait that long... he was a teenager after all...
And this teen wanted to run and run forever!

Jethro wanted to kick the waves and feel the breeze go past him as he ran towards nothing...
He wanted to feel the sand beneath his feet and the sharp sand that he would have kicked up against his leg.

He wanted the wind blowing his hair and to even go as far as to take off his shirt and challenge Cyrus to a wrestling match... of course... Jethro's dad would make them stop but it would be fun while it lasted.

Jethro sighed gloomily.

He felt two arms wrap around waist and lift him into the air.

"Hey there Jethy!" Cyrus beamed as Jethro sighed. "Not today Cyrus... I'm not feeling it..." He pouted.

Cyrus grinned wider and carried him away, Jethro holding on for dear life.

Jethro started laughing while his friend ran off with him, he liked being held by his friend, it was comforting and fun.

Jethro was laid upon Cyrus's back and Jethro laid his head down on it again, holding on as he felt Cyrus get goosebumps again.
"Why do ya always do that when I'm on yur back?" He asked Cyrus.
"D...Do whut?" Cyrus asked.
"Ya get goosebumps whenever I'm on yur back... especially when I'm wet..." He said in Cyrus's ear... gently and quiet enough that it wouldn't hurt his ear.

Cyrus blushed. "E....Eh... umm... w...well..... OH WOW that is a really cool bunch of flowers!" Cyrus tried to change the subject and it worked...

Cyrus sat Jethro down on a smooth, flat rock and then he got a bunch of pretty flowers and started putting them in Jethro's hair.

A long moment of silence passed...
Jethro wasn't looking at Cyrus and Cyrus sighed in releif that Jethro wasn't bringing up the subject yet...

Finally... Jethro asked. "So about my last question?"

Cyrus had run out of flowers anyway so he had no excuses and no way to get out of this...

"U...Umm... I get cold and get goosebumps?" He replies and of course... Jethro can hear his lie...

Jethro turns to Cyrus and Cyrus's eyes widen...
Jethro looked beautiful... his cute little freckles and his scrunched up nose...
His cute little pout and his adorably large eyes with their natural black eyeliner look...

Cyrus forgot about everything for a moment...

He only saw Jethro and then... he noticed Jethro's face become surprised.

He was snapped back into reality and realised what he had done..
He had kissed him...
His secret...
He blew it.

Cyrus looked horrified and Jethro touched his lips tenderly.
"Oh shit... Oh shit... I'm... I'm so sorry Jethro I... please don't tell on me! I don't wanna walk th plank yet!" Cyrus started to say as he tried to calm Jethro of whom was just sitting there...
very quietly...

He was still speaking when he got cut off by the impact he felt when he was tackle/hugged onto the ground below...

He felt soft lips connect with his and gently kiss him...

He loved it...
He knew whose lips they were as he returned the kiss...
There they were...
Cyrus and Jethro...
Kissing on the sand...

Jethro broke the kiss and asked. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Cyrus said. "W...Well I thought ye wouldn't accept me..."

Jethro kissed him more passionately this time. "Thought I was makin it obvious that I liked ya..." He purred into Cyrus's ear as Cyrus recalled how many times Jethro had asked for help, how he would hug him... and how he would talk to him...

Those cuddles when winter came around and they had to snuggle into a blanket, Jethro had cuddled to close and even fell asleep on Cyrus sometimes.

The times that Cyrus had lost something or they were searching for something and Jethro had bent over in a manner that had shown off his cute butt...

The times that Jethro had sang to Cyrus because Cyrus needed comfort...

Cyrus blushed, why had he not seen it sooner?

Jethro giggled and said. "Then again... if I made it too obvious than dad would have my hyde!"

Cyrus purred and kissed Jethro, the two kissed with such a passion... it looked as if they unleashed a beast that had been hidden for eternity...
Jethro had liked his friend...
Loved his friend but was too afraid to admit it because he thought Cyrus would call him out.

Being a gay pirate was a huge no no...
Jethro's father never said it was but he knew... he knew it was.

Cyrus heard Percy and Joe calling for them and picked up Jethro, setting him on his shoulders.

They ran out of the jungle... Percy was relieved that those idiots hadn't gotten themselves hurt again..

"Git back to yer rooms ya meatheads!" He scolded and the two giggled before stopping right in their path when Joe asked. "Son... why does Jethro have flowers in his hair?"

The boys looked scared for a few moments before Jethro yelled. "Look a butterfly!!" And the fathers pretended to be distracted while the two ran off towards the boat.

Percy and Joe looked at eachother, a smile upon their faces...

They knew....
They had known for many years now...

They remembered how when those two had been toddlers that Saria had held a little wedding for them...
Those two had been in love from the beginning and the fathers just couldn't wait until they told them...

What Percy would not tell those idiots however... was the fact that if he found out they were having sex... then shit would go down...

He wasn't havin that shit.

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