The Beginning of a Nightmare. Chapter 44.

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You where cuddling... it was cold on the boat and you had persuaded Percy to stay with you...

He had gotten so brave and so much stronger...

You stroked his messy hair as he laid beside you, he looked sick... so tired... so unhappy as you finally asked. "Are you feeling okay?... you can talk to me you know..."

He put his hands to his head and groaned. "No... I'm so stressed..." You rub his back in a circle and he sighs in agitation. "I never knew how stressful it'd be to be a captain but...
now that Poppy is gone and I'm in charge... I realise why he wasn't th same as when I was little..." Percy said and you tilted your head. "Hey... do you remember your dad?" He nodded at your question. "He only got to be with me until I was two and a half but... I remember him, He was strong... smart and had all the courage in the world... and he was killed... and here I am... a cowardly... scrawny little scout and cabin boy... who has become a captain...
who has a fiance... and who has a crew and children... and has gotten three members of th Rubber Fishes to join us... most of the time it was with tons of help from my crew so we all managed to save them... and yet... yet I still feel so weak compared to him... how am I gunna take care of all of them and most of all..."
He grabbed one of your hands and rested his face in the palm of it, he seemed rather tired but he also seemed very serious and loving... protective. "How am I gunna take care of you?" You stared into his black eyes... and got lost in them... they looked sad but hopeful, loving but ready to fight... You did not notice your hand start to gently rub his cheek and glide against his skin.
Percy's eyes closed in comfort and slight pleasure at this as he rubbed his cheek against your hand and then brought the palm to his mouth and kissed into it.

You watched as he grabbed one of your fingers with his teeth, in a gentle manner, letting it go into his mouth where he licked your finger and then took it out of his mouth, kissing it.

He purrs softly and you nuzzle him, taking your hand back and kissing his lips.

"You already care for me...
You dont need to try harder and besides... a big guy like you is almost too much for me~♡" You giggled and his face went red while he covered it.

You hugged him and kissed behind his ear. "I love you Percy♡"

Percy smiled and nuzzled you, kissed you and said. "I love you too♡"

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveWhere stories live. Discover now