Welcome to Litchfield High

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Alex Vause was 17 years old and simply detested change.If change was a person she would kill them personally herself.The fact that she had to leave Eastside High to transfer over to Litchfield leaving behind her best friend Nicky Nichols was all the change Alex needed for a lifetime.

Cranking up the music on her phone before breathing in her new home Litchfield High School she walked into the administration building not knowing where to go.She decided to talk to the old white lady at the front desk.

"How can I help you dear?"The old lady asked with a smile

"I just transferred here and I need my schedule."She responded nervously

"Alright dear, What's your name?"

"Well to be totally honest My name is Alexandra but people call me Alex so my mother could've filed me under either one."

"Alright how about we try, Alex now what's your last name dear?"


"Yep look like you were here filed under Alex So congrats I get a feeling that you don't like to be called Alexandra it seem to formal.Now let me print your schedule and you can be on your way to your first class."The old white lady prints her schedule and Alex takes a good note of her name tag" Miss Jefferson" it read.

"Alright here you are dear and welcome to Litchfield High home of the fighting Rebels!"

Alex throws back a shy smile and nods and says thank you.She takes a mental note that the old white lady had too much school spirit like who's happy to see bratty teenagers that smell and talk back to you,Some view of life that lady has.She takes a look at her schedule and her first class is Ap English Literature in room 112 with Brown,Elizabeth.Perfect she thought she can spend all her time reading in the back like a hermit and decides she won't make the wrong move and get on anyone's bad side her first day. She arrives at class class and is shocked about what appeared.

"Welcome to the class!" a little black girl yells as Alex walks in.She is shocked to see this little band of misfits in the class but is kinda of happy because they all seem to fit together like they were made for each other.

"How can I help you dear?" First Alex looked even more shocked because the woman who appears to be the teacher kinda looks like a student sure she was tall but so was Alex.

"I'm new to Litchfield and you just happen to be my first period so yeah."

"Okay,Well like Malia said Welcome to the class and how about you take a seat over there next to Piper in the back."

Doing what she is told Alex walks over to the seat next to the blonde and just ignores the obvious tension and pulls out her newest book that her mother had gotten her "White Fang".

Piper studies the brunette before deciding that she would introduce herself.

"I'm Piper" the blonde says cautiously


"Where are you from?"

I"m just a transfer student I actually went to Eastside but I had some problems there so my mom decided to transfer me here,it's no big deal I live like 3 blocks away."

"Why'd you leave?"

"What was the problem?"

"I was bullied."

"Oh,I don't know why that stupid I always found bullying stupid maybe the bullied you because you're so pretty like I just love your forest green eyes."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Its nice to know that you're not alone."

"You've been through this?"

"Not really but it only takes one person to break the cycle.Anyway can I see your schedule?"

"Sure."Alex hand the schedule to the blonde.Piper starts looking over the schedule making comments like he's cool but a hard grader or how are you taking these classes you must be some smart cookie.Piper tells Alex they have 1st,3rd,4th and 6th period together and seem to be a little bit more excited than Alex ever was. The bell for first period is over the girls haven't stopped talking they switched phone numbers and spent the entire second period texting about random stuff trying to learn more and more about each other.Alex learned that Piper loved puppies had one little brother,her favorite candy was jelly beans and she has been single for a couple of months.Piper learned that Alex was an only child,She has a single mother only because her mother didn't have the time to date thanks to her 3 jobs so she had the house mostly to herself.

When lunch finally rolled around the two didn't bother eating instead they went to Piper's favorite spot and sat underneath a tree talking anything everything.

"So Alex do you date?"

Yeah my ex and I broke up like a year ago but after that I never really bothered to date anyone after that."

"Oh he must of been some guy"

"Actually she was the first ever real relationship it wasn't like some hit and quit."

"Oh you're..."before Piper could even get the words out Alex said"Yes I am gay and I see no problem with that.Do you?"

"No I just...I didn't know, okay"

"I understand."

The two continued on with their day going to each and every class texting each other through lectures because they weren't close enough to really have a conversation like at lunch.

Piper:So any plans after school?

Alex: Hanging out with my best friend Nicky

Piper:Oh thats cool

Alex:You can come if you want?

Piper:No go spend some time with her I'll just be waiting painstaking hours until you finally text me.

Alex:Are you some type of loner pipes? Haha

Piper:No Al,I'm not but you're the only person I can have a stimulating conversation with and I like pipes you should keep calling me Pipes.

Alex:Alright Pipes and Al,eh I guess I could roll with that.

The day finally came to an end and neither of the girls could wait to see what the next day will bring them.  

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