Hanging out with the Junkie Philospher

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Alex calls up Nicky to see where they should me up.She gets no answer so she shoots her good friend a text wondering why she wasn't answering.

Alex:I leave one day and you are already too good to answer my phone calls.Forget about me already Nichols?

Nicky:Forget about you vause,Never.

Alex:Sure...Where do you wanna meet up?

Nicky:Your place I guess,We can order a pizza.

Alex:Cool see you in 30?

Nicky:It's a plan, later vause.

Alex turns up her music as she begins to continue her journey walking home.She starts thinking about Piper and her beautiful baby blues.She is still in shock about how close the became on her first day there,it wasn't as bad like Alex expected.From what Alex has been through she still couldn't shake the feeling that she was being set up,Piper wouldn't do that or would she?She finally arrives at home her mother still isn't home it wasn't any big deal Alex suspected that she wouldn't be.She calls up the pizza place and orders a large pizza half meat lovers for Nicky and supreme for her she decided she need some variety in her life.She picks out some horror film from the stack her and Nicky haven't gotten too before heading to room so she can change.Alex quickly changes into some dark navy blue jogger and a black tank top before she hears the door open.

"Yo Vause,the party has arrived!"

"Oh God someone call the police Nichols has arrived."Alex responds in a sarcastic tone

"You know I don't think you know how much your sarcasm hurts me sometimes man."

"Says the female version of Hyde from That 70s show."

"Hey,It's a lot of work to play the junkie philosopher you stick to your role as the sarcastic sasquatch and I'll stick to mine as the junkie philosopher plus Hyde was a conspiracy theorist."

"True and deal."

"So go head spill the beans tell me everything about your first day"

"You act like it was the actual first day off school it's December 11th."

"The date means nothing go ahead tell the junkie philosopher how sarcastic sasquatch's first day was." she says in her best baby voice while pitching Alex's cheeks

"Its cool all boring though,I met this girl named Piper she's pretty cute and somewhat nice from what I seen already she wants me to text her when we are done hanging though she says I'm the only person she can have a stimulating conversation with."

"Wow,You have someone crushing on you the first day mad skills you got going on vause."

"I'm pretty sure she is straight,if she isn't my gaydar is totally off."

"She likes you case solve now where's my piz-."Before she can even get the words out the door bell rings and it's the pizza guy.Alex takes out 12 bucks and hands it to the guy taking her pizza.The guy continues trying to flirt with Alex but who wouldn't she's a beauty,Alex smirks and lets the guys know that she likes girls just as much as he does before slamming the door in his face.

The two continue on with their hanging out,pointing out all the problems the actors made in film,and laughing at the answers they gave if they were put out in those predicaments like in the movies.Nicky leaves after the film it barely 7:30 so Alex decides she text Piper.

Alex:Hey,I told you I'll text you after wards

Piper is sitting in room doing homework so she can avoid the wrath of Carol Chapman,the infamous waspy bitch(in Piper's words).She is about to give up on doing her spanish homework until she gets a message.

Alex:Hey,I told you I'll text you afterwards.

Piper's face lights up she's been waiting for this brunette to text her since she got out of school.There's just something about her that always leaves Piper wanting more.

Piper:I believed you, so how was hanging out with your Friend Nicky?

Alex:Fine,the usual so what have you been doing?staring at your phone until I finally text you? lol

Piper:No actually I've been in my room doing homework.

Alex:That's what they all say

Piper:Well I'm not like them,I'm better


Piper:You have to find out yourself I don't wanna give you any hints so goodnight until we speak again.

Alex:You win this round pipes

Piper:Goodnight Al

Alex's P.O.V.

Alex starts to wonder what Piper is so better at.Maybe in bed but Piper did say that Alex would have to find out.It was a challenge and Alex never stepped down from a challenge.She decides that shell give Piper a run for her money she knew how to make anyone crave her emotionally but more importantly sexually.She takes out the right clothes for her plan and heads off to sleep with the blonde still in her mind hoping she'll dream of her later.

Alex wakes up the next morning excited she grabs her towel and heads off to her bathroom to lather in her favorite body wash "Axe Anarachy for her.It leaves everything in chaos." It just what she needed to leave Piper in chaos and it's only one step in her plan.After Alex finishes her shower she takes the necessary precautions brushing her teeth,rinsing her mouth with really strong mouth wash,cleaning her ears(glady they weren't so dirty) and plucking her eyebrows.When she finished she slipped on a black lace bra and panty set,like hey if you gonna make someone beg at least do it well.She puts on her tight black jeans with a white cotton tank top with her leather jacket and black converse.She grabs her backpack but before she leaves she goes into her bathroom to put on red lipstick and to do her eyeliner she never knew how she got so perfect on doing it,it sorta just happened.

Alex begins to leave her house and head to school but she starts to think I don't know anyone there what am i supposed to do if piper isnt even there.She shoots piper a text.

Alex:You at school yet?

Piper:Nope barely got up.Why?

Alex:I don't know anyone else at school, didn't want to be lonely this morning

Piper:Aww poor baby.wanna come over my place?

Alex:Sure why not if that's okay with your fam.I don't wanna intrude

Piper:It's fine Al,imma send you my address and you will bring your ass over here

Alex:so bossy but fine

Alex gets the blonde's Address and proceeds walking it's not that far away from her house it's like a 10 minute walk.It's perfect when either one of them is going through a hard time they'll be in walking distance.Alex finally arrives at Piper's house and was about to knock on the door until....

"Finally you're here,come in it's cold and as you can tell i'm in a robe."Alex can't even process she arrives at Piper's and she is naked in a robe.She can't stop staring not even a little bit.

"Alex,You want a picture it will last longer."

"I wasn't...look i just got lost in my thoughts."

"Mhm,come on we are going upstairs so I quickly and shower and dress so we we won't be late,Oh before I forget Al you look really sexy today."

The two go upstairs in Piper's room Piper gets some clothes and put them in her bathroom and follows inside leaving Alex behind the other door to do sit and wait on the blonde.She starts to look at the blonde's book collection and is surprised by the perfection she got from it.Alex loves books especially the older ones, the classic ones and that's exactly what the blonde had.Alex admiring was cut to the end because she heard and unusual sound coming from the bathroom.She walks over and cracks the door just a little bit to hear the sound a bit better and isn't that surprised from what she hears.

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