I Know Vause I know

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It's been a few days since the whole larry situation.It's the last day before winter break,Piper and Alex's relationship has been moving great except she isn't truly what they are. Are they a they or if it was just fun.What are they?

"What are we?" Piper screamed

Piper's entire trigonometry class turned around and stared at her. 'What are we What Miss chapman? Mr.Healy asked Piper just can't say nothing and look like a doofus if she does word will spread by one click of a button since all of these people tweet just about everything. So she tries to think of the first excuse that comes to her head.

"What are we still doing on this chapter,didn't we complete it last week? She stuttered

"I suppose you are right Miss Chapman,nice catch."

Nice save chapman she thinks to herself.Piper slumps over her desk and whispers What are we? The period went by really slow but it finally ended.Piper was heading down the hallway when someone places their hands over her eyes.

"Guess who?" The husky voice asked

"Alex not now okay."

"Pipes what's wrong?"


"Come on pipes tell me."

"Nothing Al i promise, i was just thinking about what to get you for christmas." It's not like Piper was lying she was thinking about what to get Alex for christmas but she was just really focused on what Alex thought they were.What if Alex was just having fun with piper? What if that Alex gets so scared from piper asking the question it makes their relationship awkward and she loses Alex forever? "Pipes?" piper snapped out of her daze.

"Are you sure you are okay Pipes?"

"Yeah,I'm fine just a little under the weather.Look Al I might just go home and rest."

"Okay Pipes."Alex placed a kiss on Piper's forehead."You still coming over on saturday you know for Christmas?"

"I wouldn't miss it."Piper places a kiss on Alex's cheek.As much as she hates not knowing what they are,Her feelings for alex overcome all of that.They say their goodbyes and Alex watches the beautiful blonde walk down the hall.As Alex begins to turn around and head to class until...

"Hey Al?"

"Yeah Kid."

"I heart you."

"I heart you more."

"Thats a lie."

"No it's not.'

Piper has a goofy smile on her face,Now it's time to go find Alex a christmas present

4 hours later

"I don't know vause,you sure you want to get her this?"Nicky questioned

"Off course Nick,Piper has had her eye on this ever since we came a few days ago.It's perfect."


It's a beautiful Saturday and the two girls were just strolling in the mall hand in hand.

"Al,Can we please go to look in the jewelry store."

"Yeah Pipes,why not."

"Yay!" Piper sounded like a giddy 8 year old who just got a new glitter nail polish.Piper grabbed Alex's hand and pulled her to the jewelry store.They both looked around Sharing oos and ahs.

"Hey pipes,I'm going to hit the bathroom."

Piper nodded okay and gave Alex a kiss on the cheek.Piper stubbled upon the promise rings,she was just looking until she ran across a beautiful ring.It was a pink stone cut into a heart with stainless steel band.

"Anything I can help you with Ma'am."

"Yes,can I please take a look at that one."

The jeweler handed piper the ring and she slips onto her finger.Piper just stares at her finger.The ring was so beautiful,it was like it was tailored made just for piper. Alex comes back from the bathroom and sees Piper staring at the ring.She pulls another jeweler aside and ask if he can bring the jeweler who was helping Piper over without awaring Piper.

"How can I help you?"The jeweler asked

"That blonde you were helping is kinda like my girlfriend and i want the information about the ring she is trying on."

"Well its $350 and 100 for the engraving and 50 resizement."

Alex on has 500 to her name,her plan was to use it to get a new paint job and engine for her motorcycle but she realizes Piper is more important.

"You take cash?" Alex asked while pulling out the money.The jeweler nodded and took the cash from Alex's hand and pulls out a piece of paper.

"Alright this is just the ring informations slip.It covers the size and what you want engraved on the ring.Alex nods and fills out the form puts size 6 and ponders on what she should have engraved on the ring.She quickly thinks about it and writes it on the paper.She hands the jewler the ring information paper and walks back to piper's side.

End of Flashback

"She'll love it." The jeweler says while handing Alex the bag

"I still think eating pussy is the best gift you can ever give someone."Nicky says while winking at Jeweler

"Off course you do Nick."

"Yeah vause....um since i won't see you on christmas on the account of you spending it with Piper i want to give you christmas gift."

"Nick you didn't have to get me anything."

"Well to late so here."Nicky hands Alex a pair of car keys

"These are the keys to your porsche."

"No those are they keys to your porsche vause."

"Oh my God Nick,Thank you so much."Alex begins to shed little tears because this was the gift of a lifetime.

"Now don't go soft on me Vause."

"Wait,what will you drive?"

"I might've bought an i don't know a viper."

"Tron legacy?" Alex smirks

"Tron legacy." Nick smiled and nodded

"I really mean it,Thanks Nick."

"Well I figured i should do something since you kinda spent your last on Piper and can't afford to fix your bike."

"She means alot to me."

"I know Vause, I know."

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