Manscaping is hard to do

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The Bloom house

Larry is more than excited to have the beautiful,Amazing,Smart Piper Chapman in his house.This might be his chance to have the girl of his dreams,where they would spent the rest of their lives talking about their perfect life with two kids and a golden retriever. He decided that this will be the night that he ask Piper to wear his class ring.

Larry barely got any sleep last night. He woke this morning and did a google search on what to do on your first date with a girl.He click the first like he got and began reading.The first tip was to manscape."Manscape?"Larry questioned.I mean if it means I get Piper to be mine i'll try it.He went into his parents bathroom to get shaving cream and a razor.Thank god they went to palm springs because this will be an awkward conversation to have with them.He puts shaving cream on his chest and began shaving his chest and legs then he just starts on his next task and he thinks he won't be able to do it.He puts shaving cream on and begins to shave.OUCH! Larry screamed. He accidentally cut himself now what if Piper want "dessert" how would he explain that.

He finishes manscaping and puts back on his clothes.He returns back to his desk and starts to read the rest of the article.Its says that he going to need some pink lavender candles,some chocolates,cologne,condoms and roses.He decides that he might as well go to the store and pick up all of things it is only 4 he still has 4 hours to clean up set up shower and dress before piper comes.He grabs his wallet and keys and heads out the door.

Chapman house

Piper has been spending her entire day since she woke up texting Alex instead of readying herself.It's not like she liked Larry after all so why make a big deal the only person she is trying to impress is Alex,Alex fucking Vause.

Alex: Shouldn't you start getting ready for our study date with your man Larry? lmao

Piper :Eww Larry gross I think my nipples inverted from that statement plus I like someone else Al and you know that.

Alex: Who may that be pipes?

Piper:Well she's tall dark and beautiful,you know like secretary sexy with beautiful green eyes they're so mamazing haha

Alex:I think I know who you talking about plus I like someone too and mamazing? haha

Piper:Yes mamazing?Is it me?

Alex:Well duh who else should i like

Piper: Mila kunis or Megan fox or who else didn't you stop talking about last night that was so hot when we were video chatting.

Alex:I see your point but they don't compare to you pipes

Piper: Aww Al how what are you going to do tonight at Larry's?

Alex:No telling speaking of which its 6:30 better start getting ready cuteness or you'll be late hahaha

Alex:See you there hahah XX

Piper:You owe me Al XXXX

Chapman house,Piper's P.O.V

Piper puts her phone down and walks into her bathroom.She cuts on the water,grabs her robe and starts to mumble "I can't believe she won't tell what she's going to do." She starts to laugh she can't stay mad at her."She's so lucky she's cute."

Piper gets in the bathroom and laughs at the thought of Alex and what she would say.The water feel so good on her skin.She decides that tonight will be the night she has to impress alex so she needs to make sure just in case her hair and body smells like heaven. She ponders on what body wash and shampoo to use.Should she use Sexy strawberry,Flirty Raspberry, or Sweet Cinnamon?She goes with Flirty Raspberry,it's for Alex not Larry.If it was for Larry she wouldn't bathe at all.As she finishes up washing her hair and body she starts singing "Pretty Lil Heart by Robin Thicke."

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