Why don't you find out

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Alex heard moaning,she expected the blonde to be someone who self served every once in awhile she guessed today something had to set that off,Alex wondered what that might be.Alex quickly closes the door as she hears the blonde turning off her showing and goes back to admiring the books to make it seem like she didn't over hear. A few minutes later the blonde emerges looking radiant like she had a certain glow to her.

"You look my book collection?"

"Love it actually,I didn't know you were so big on classics like me."Piper starts walking toward Alex.

"Yeah but you know what genre of books I like the most?"Piper begins to get closer to Alex's ear and whispers "Erotica."Piper bites Alex's earlobe gently before letting out a shy moan.

"We should get moving Al,don't wanna be late."Piper begins to giggle leaving the brunette in the room to process what just happened.

"You comin Al."

"Yeah be right there."Alex begins to walk down the stairs and starts to mumble that girl will be the death of me but piper Chapman two can play the sexy game."

"Come on Al,we take my car instead of walking."

"Alright."The two get into the car and begin to drive.

"Alex,why don't you hook up your phone and you turn on some music and I'll get us some morning coffee from the coffee bean and doughnuts.

"Sure,Why not"Alex takes this as the perfect opportunity and goes to her playlist and goes to the one labeled sexy.she clicks on it and scrolls to one of her favorite songs on the playlist "Touch my body by Mariah Carey."

As soon as the lyrics I just wanna make feel you like you never did,Piper looks at Alex.Alex notices but continues to stare off in the window and licks her bottom lip and bites it.She thinks to herself;I told you Piper Chapman two can play the sexy game.They pull up to the doughnut shop and piper orders a jelly filled and a glazed instead of getting two coffees from the coffee bean she figures she'll just get them there.

She returns to the car with breakfast I guess you can say in her hand not surprised to hear R.Kelly cookie playing in the background she decides to kick it up a notch since Alex tried to get her with that Mariah lip bite.

"One jelly filled doughnut and coffee for you Miss Vause." Alex says thank you and the wo drive the rest off the way to school where they decide to park and eat their breakfast.The two start to chat while eating."

"Piper you know what i realize?You never told me about your dating life."

"You never asked."

Well I'm asking now and i would like to know everything last relationship,your orientation every and anything."

"Okay so I haven't been in a relationship in year and it was with this guy Jonathan,orientation I don't know if I have one I just like hot people you know,I am not a virgin I lost it to Jonathan but trust me wasn't really worth wild I didn't even cum I just faked it not like he knew the difference like my sexual mood went from 100 to 0 because it only last for a 3 minutes we started humping I'm not getting any enjoyment so I said fuck it and faked it.Anything else?"

"Nope,that pretty much covered it haha.This doughnut is really taste good can't believe I never tried that place before."

"Yeah,I love them only place I'll get doughnuts from,oh Alex you have a little jelly right there."Piper gets her finger and removes the jelly and licks her finger letting out a small moan which sent chills through Alex's spine.She would pay anything to hear that noise but to make even better was if Piper was moaning her name.Piper leans over to Alex and whispers "I bet you taste really good."Alex sees what Piper is trying to do so she responds..."Why don't you find out."

That actually starts to turn Piper on.God they known each other for about for a day is it weird that they already feel so inevitable to each other.Piper decides she should take her time instead of instantly kissing Alex right then and there.She needed to know more about her before making her move because what if Alex was just like Jonathan,what if she wasn't like she seemed.

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