Chapter 4- Movie night gone to hell

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Chapter 4- Movie night gone to hell.

"What do you guys want to see?" Cam asked me and Rose.

"Insidious 2" Rose and I told him

"OK, I'll buy the tickets and the food" Cam told us. 

Rose and I went to sit down on a bench and wait for Cam to get back. "Jazz are you OK? You've seemed a little nervous now and at the park?" Rose asked me.

 "Uh... Ya. I'm fine just feeling tired, and still a little shook up from Miranda and the fight." I lied. I couldn't tell anyone about seeing Jeff. As much as I really want to tell Rose and Cam I just couldn't. 

"Everything's going to be OK, it might not be now but it will be soon." Rose explained, she always knew what to say.  Cam walked up with three tickets to Insidious 2, a large popcorn, and three large cokes.

"Thanks Cam" We both thanked him.

"Anytime." He replied. 

We walked to the theatre, and showed the guy our tickets. When we got in there, commercials where on, so we still had a few minutes for the movie to start. We all sat down, we sat towards the middle row of seats. I sat between Rose and Cam. We started making fun of the commercials like we always did, then the lights started to dim and the commercials started to end. Not many people where in the movie theatre, it was just us three and maybe 5 or 6 others. The movie started to play, I couldn't concentrate on it, I just had thoughts piled into my head. One thing I wondered the most was when and where would I see Jeff again? I couldn't help but look all over the room, it felt like he was there, but he wasn't. I think...

Halfway into the movie, the feeling got more uneasy, I tried my hardest to stay calm, but it was getting worse. The darkness in the room made it worse. I noticed Cam and Rose staring at me with a nervous look.

"You ok?" Rose whispered.

"Ya just tired. I think I need to go home now, I have work in the morning." I said.

'OK will go with you, will walk you home." Cam whispered.

"No it's fine you guys continue the movie, I'll be ok." I told them quietly 

"You sure?" Rose asked me.

 "Yeah. And Cam, I'll pay you back for ticket and drink as soon as I can."

"No don't worry about it, Jazz." Cam told me. I nodded, got up, and left.

It was dark and windy outside, it looked like it was about to rain. I started to walk at a faster pace, to try an get home before it rains, even though I loved the rain I always have. I still had an uneasy feeling, I turned on my block relieved nothing happened. 

"How do I get in?" I thought to myself. "If I go in through the front door they might be up and would yell at me, but if I go through the window again it would be hard to climb." I decided to try an go in through the front door as quiet as I could.

 First I looked in the window, I saw my dad passed out on the couch with 9 cans of beer scattered around him and my mom on the other chair passed out. I had a sigh of relief. I opened the door slowly and shut it. I walked half the stairs as quiet as I can then ran up the rest. I took a warm shower, put my phone on charge by my bed, and then went to bed.

---Inside of Jasmines dream world---

I was sitting in a dark, cold room. I felt something cold and hard around my feet and arms. The lights started to flicker on and off. I could barley make out what was around me but it looked like  dirty white walls with what looked like blood splattered  across them. The lights started to stay on, I could see the room better blood was everywhere there was what looked like body parts everywhere and heads. I wanted to scream; I tried to, but duct tape was across my mouth, tears streamed down my face. I heard a loud demonic laugh... His laugh... The lights went off and I was in a different room, my vision was blurry but it seemed to get clearer. I heard a faint familiar cry and loud breathing it was Cam and Rose; Jeff was above them carving smiles in there faces, and stabbing them multiple times in the chest. I tried to scream, but it was no use. 

---End of jasmines dream---

I woke up breathing hard. It was morning, I looked at my phone, I had a missed text from Rose asking did I need a ride to work and that Cam was driving her to the mall and that he could pick me up and bring me to Spencer's.

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