Chapter 5- Could I like someone like Jeff?

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 Chapter 5- Could I like someone like Jeff? 

Rose and Cam dropped me off at Spencers, and we all agreed to meet up at the food court around 11.  We had gotten more inventory in today, Randy my manager had me put some of it up on the shelf's. I didn't mind doing it, usually I'd be working the register, and he'd make someone else do it. My shift went by pretty slow, but it finally ended. I met up with Rose and Cam at the food court, we sat there for a while talking about how things were going. We were having a really good time, we walked around the mall for a while, decided to ride the carousel for fun. Cam thought it would be fun to go hit on some guys that were standing in a corner talking. Nothing could ruin this day. Well that's what I thought.

We were in the game room, when I got an angry call from my mom. "Get your ass home right now!" 

"Ok, I'm leaving right now."

 "Hurry! I don't have all day!" She said, "You have to clean and cook me and your father dinner." I stayed quiet for a moment until she said something else. "If you are not home by 1:00,  you will pay for it!" she hissed "Okay.." I whispered into the phone knowing what she  meant by pay.. 

"Everything ok?" Cam asked.

"I got to go.  I'm sorry my parents want me home." 

"OK, be careful." Rose said in a worried tone.

"Do you need a ride?" Cam asked.

"No, I can walk." I told him.

 "No, your not going to walk." He told me. We all walked out of the mall to his car. 

  When I got home my mom was in the kitchen on the phone with some man. And my dad was passed out drunk.

 "I got to let you go sweetie" I heard my mom say, "I love you too" She said. " Jasmine! Where the hell have you been!" She yelled at me, then slapped me across the face, my dad woke up from the yelling.

"Shut the hell up!" He screamed. My mom walked over to the cabinet in the hall an took out cleaning supplies an threw them at me and left the room. 

 I picked up the cleaning supplies, and started to clean. I finished cleaning the whole house within an hour. I then cooked them dinner. I put their plates on the table. I'd fixed them spaghetti. They came in the room with disgusted looks. 

"What the hell is this?" My dad said angrily.

"S-spaghetti" I whispered. He picked the plate up an threw it. He started to yell and so did my mom.

 I interrupted there screaming, they'd struck a nerve.

"What the hell is your problem!?" I yelled they looked at me in shock "I bust my ass everyday! Get bullied at school then come home to your drunk asses! Then have to take care of you two idiots! I hate both of you. I truly do. I can not wait until I graduate highschool and leave this hell!"  

My dad looked. He then slapped me then pushed me against the wall, grabbed my face as hard as he could.

"Say it again!" he spit.

 "I-I hate both of y-" Before I could repeat myself, they both grabbed me as tight as they could. They opened the basement door and throw me down there. I hit the stairs, then went rolling down them until I reached the cold hard  floor.

 The basement was dark, cold, and dusty. My only light source came from the window up above some boxes. The basement was packed in boxes, and old furniture. I laid there on the floor for half the night crying. Whenever I would move pain struck through me. I slowly feel asleep there.

I woke up it was dark outside, it was pitch black except for the moon that was shining in from in the open window. I checked my phone that was in my back pocket "9:45" it said. There was no telling how long I would be in there. I had mixed emotions, I had feelings of hurt, sadness, and an urge to kill or hurt someone. I'd never felt like that before except for around the time Tyler died. If I were to hurt someone it would be my 'mother' and 'father'. 

I laid there still, and started to hear noises. It almost sounded like a laugh. It was coming from across the room from where the window was. I sat up and looked over at where the window was. There was a tall dark figure standing  there. The figure slowly approached me. It was him. 

"What do you want from me?" I said quietly. He mumbled something but I couldn't make out what it was. I laid  there helplessy.

I tried to move, a grunt of pain escaped my mouth.

 "What?" He cocked his head to the side looking at me confused

. "N-nothing" I whispered. 

"Nothing?" He questioned. "I sat there and watched you let your parents push you around." 

"I don't let them," I tried to explain.

"Your scared of them." He said

"Yes, I am." I whispered, trying to stay quiet.

 I seen him clutching his knife behind his back. "Why do you even care about that?!" I shouted, he looked at me in confusion. 

"Don't give me that look. I've have seen you what four times now?" I explained angrily  "You've tried to kill me twice now but haven't done it! Why haven't you! Why can't you just put me out of my misery already!?" I yelled. It got quiet. "Why? Answer me!" 


"Because why!?"

 "Because your different!" He yelled 

"What do you mean different?" I asked 

"Nothing. Just never mind!" He said quieter.

 He looked at me for a moment. He then picked me up bridal style, I looked at him disgusted as he walked up the steps and picked the lock on the basement door. The house was quiet and dark, he walked me up to my room and laid me on the bed. Before I could thank him he jumped out of the window.

I laid there for a long time staring at the ceiling. Thoughts rushed all through my head "What did he mean different?", "When would I see him again?" I couldn't believe I wanted to see him again. 

But there was just something about him...

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