Chapter 11- Happy Birthday Tyler.

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Chapter11- Happy Birthday Tyler

-ding ding- I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I got out of bed and walked to the desk on the other side of the room. It was my calendar going off, I unlocked my phone to see why the calendar was going off.

TYLER'S 12TH BIRTHDAY  was going across the screen. "Its already his birthday?" I said, I'd forgotten about that with the moving and all.

I went down stairs and seen Jeff up watching TV. I went in there and sat on the floor. It was quiet for a few seconds.

"Do you need something?" he said

"No." I said

"Then why are you up, well, here sitting in the floor?" he said with annoyance.

"My phone went off..." I said sadly

"And?" he said

"I-its Tyler's Birthday today." I said

"Oh, I'm sorry" he said

"I want to go to the cemetery and spend the day with him.." I said sadly

"I'll go with you if you want." he said

"Please.." I told him

---Later that day--- 

We got  ready and went to the cemetery.

"So where's his grave?" Jeff asked

"Over this way. Follow me." I told him.

We started to walk towards his grave, as we where I seen flowers blooming by an old oak tree, I walked over and picked them, then walked back to his grave. I brushed away leaves that where covering it and placed the flowers on his grave.

Jeff sat there watching me, that's all he could really do. I sat down on the ground in front of the grave.

"Happy Birthday, Tyler." I whispered while reading the words written on it. "I miss you so much," I continued, "I love you Tyler. I'll never forget you." I whispered, "I wish you were still here with me, but your in a better place now, away from the pain and torture in this world, and at least you where away from all the fighting, and abuse mom and dad caused.. "

I looked up at Jeff who was trying to play cool and act like he wasn't listening. I tugged at his black pants gesturing for him to sit by me and he did. I laid my head on his shoulder and stared at the grave.

"Are you not scared that anyone's going to come here and see you?" I asked him.

"Nope." He said "No one really comes here often. But if I hear someone I'll make a run for it, hide in the woods and wait for them to leave or just kill them." he said.

"No, Jeff, don't kill them please.. Its not right.." I said

"But its right for you to kill your parents?" He said.

"I didn't mean to.." I whispered

"Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be an ass to you today." He apologized as I sighed.

"Can we talk about something different?" I asked

"Sure. You want to talk about the memories you two had? Maybe that would make you feel better." He said and we did. We talked for a long time. It was getting dark and I said my goodbyes to Tyler.

"Happy Birthday,Tyler, hope you having good birthday. I miss you and love you." I said as I hugged his grave then got up.

As we where walking through the cemetery, Jeff stopped walking and stared in the opposite direction.

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