Chapter 13- Happy Halloween

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Chapter 13- Happy Halloween. 

 It was the night of Halloween, Sally and I had been talking about trick or treating with each other, since she'd told me that no one in the house ever takes her trick or treating. So I agreed on taking her, I use to take Tyler every year, and I really missed doing that.

Sally and I headed to party city to look for a costume, I had Jane fix me up since I was being looked for all through town. 

"This is going to be so much fun!" Sally explained cheerfully as she looked for a costume

"Do you have anything in mind?" I asked looking around.

"Hmm," Sally said, "A princess maybe?"

"A dead princess would be cool." I said

I bought Sally a princess outfit and some fake blood, and just decided for me I would wear skinny jeans, converse, a hoodie, and put stitches on my face.

When we got back to the house it was about 5:07. We started to get ready. I got ready first and put stitches on my mouth in black eyeliner. Then for Sally, she had a pink, princess dress on, I got the fake blood in put it on her face, her dress, her arms, and legs. Everyone else wasn't doing anything for Halloween, they were going to stay home and find things to do. Sally grabbed a pumpkin pail for candy and we left. 

By the time we made it to town it was some what crowded. We went to almost every house, the night went by perfect, nothing happened. Sally had allot of candy, she had a pumpkin pail, and a half way full pillow case that I brought just in case we needed it.

It was about 9:45 when we got back home, we were both exhausted. Everyone was up when we got home, they were all sitting around the TV.

"This candy is just for you and me" Sally said giggling as we walked in

We looked at each other in ran in the room in poured the candy out and started eating it. Jeff tried to take some out but Sally hit I'm in told him, "No, this is mine is Jasmines. No one can have it." she giggled.

After eating allot of candy Sally wanted me to come to her room to hangout with her some more. We sat in her room for hours talking about life, growing up, her past, my past, things like that. Sally was turning into the little sister I never had, and I loved that, I loved the fact I was starting to get a family again. One that would actually treat me right and care for me. Not through me around, abuse me, and make me feel horrible about my self. 

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