Chapter 15- Another day at the creepypasta house..

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Chapter 15- Another day at the creepypasta house..

"Jane! Jeff!" Slender screamed, "You two stop this fighting right now, before your both in trouble!"

Jeff and Jane had been fighting all day, they were fighting over the things they fight over everyday. And, of course everyone was around to watch to see who'd win this time. Jeff grabbed Jane and pinned her against the wall, he took out his knife about to slice her neck, until Slender reached over to both of them with his tentacles ripping them apart.

"If you two, fight one more time this week, you will be punished," Slender said, "I advise you two that you stay away from each other today."

"What am I suppose to do all day!" Jeff yelled

"I don't know, but you better find something, besides fighting with Jane." Slender said calmly.

Jeff walked out the front door, "Jasmine!," he said "Come with me."

I walked out the door, following him.

"What?" I asked

"What?" He questioned, "If I have to stay away from her for the day, then your going to have to stay with me. Got it?" he said

"Why me tho?" I asked

"Because. I said so." He said annoyingly

We walked far out into the woods, Jeff wasn't saying anything the whole time, so I stayed quiet. I could see houses threw some of the trees. Jeff stopped walking for a minute. He stood still, looking around the forest like someone was there. He started to run threw the forest, I ran after him trying to catch up. That's when I heard it.

Laughter. Laughter from children.

Jeff hid behind a tree, pulling his knife out. I finally reached up to him to see 3 boys all 3 about 10 or 13 years old camping in the woods. I knew exactly what Jeff was going to do.

"Walk up to them and act as if your lost." Jeff whispered

"No. I'm not getting in this." I whispered back.

"Oh yes you are." He said pushing me towards the boys.

"Who are you?" A boy with dirty blond curly hair and glasses asked.

"What do you want?" A brown haired kid asked

"Shes hot." A black haired kid with deep brown eyes said

"Shut up dude!" The kid with glasses said

"I'm Jasmine.. I-Im lost." I slowly said

"You could stay here if you'd like." The brown haired one said

"She could totally stay here, she can even sleep in my tent." the black haired one said smirking

"Uhmm. No." I said

"Sit down if you'd like." the brown haired said

I sat down on a log, waiting for Jeff to pop up any minute. But he didn't pop up. "Where is he?" I thought to myself.

"Who the hell is that!?" the black haired one screamed

"Your worst nightmare." I said smiling. Even tho I didn't see Jeff, I knew he was there.

Jeff jumped out of the trees he landed on the brown and blonde ones stabbing them both.

"Come here kid." I said to the black haired kid, to make sure he'd not run off

He came running towards me, grabbing on to my hips hugging me.

"I wont let him hurt you." I said with a smirk on my face.

Jeff continued to stab the two boys until they laid there dead.

"Your next." Jeff said as I let the kid go, "Go. To. Sleep."

He stabbed the boy until he fell on the ground. After he was done with the kids, he went back over and carved smiles into there faces. Using all their blood, on the brown haired boys forehead he put "GO." On the blonde ones forehead he put, "TO." and the black haired one he wrote, "SLEEP."

"Prefect." He said laughing insanely

After Jeff had his fun, we continued to walk farther into the forest.

"Where are we going Jeff?" I asked

"Somewhere, turn here." He said pointing to the left at a trail.

We went up the trail, the trail looked as if it wet up hill. And it did. 10 minutes into walking te trail, giant rocks started to appear, and something that sounded like water.

Jeff started to climb the rocks. This was going to be hard. I grabbed onto the rocks trying my best to climb them. Jeff was already almost done climbing the rocks while I was busy trying to get past the first few. Jeff reached his hand out, trying to pull me up. He pulled me up.

"Wow." I said looking at the view around me.

The leaves had all changed and were falling off the trees, below was a lake with leaves floating off the trees slowly on to its cold surface. It was beautiful. Jeff sat on a rock, I sat down beside him. We sat in silence for a moment.

"Jasmine." He said looking out at that the view.

"What?" I asked curiously

"Theres something about you.." he said still staring at the view

"What do you mean?" I asked

"It's nothing..." He said. He slowly got up picking up tiny stones of the ground and dropping them carefully into the water below.

"No. Please tell me." I begged

"Nothing. It's stupid." He said

"I bet it's not." I replied

"Your different." He said, "When I'm around you, I get this feeling. A feeling I've never felt before."

I stared at him confused for a moment.

"When I first saw you, I wanted to kill you, but something stopped me from doing so, all I could do was follow you, watch you, and just wait for the perfect time to kill you," he explained, "After you days and many tries, I realized that's impossible."

I glazed at him in shock that he would say something like that being the way he was.

"Jasmine.. I guess what I'm trying to say is that... I love you.. And I want to be with you." He continued

"I-I love you to Jeff." I whispered, I really meant it.

"Will you be mine?" Jeff asked

"Yes." I said

I couldn't believe Jeff could come out with feelings like that. I loved Jeff I really did, I just kept it to myself. But know that I know the truth it makes me feel better. He's the first guy that I've loved. And I was happy about that.

Jeff and I sat on the rocks for the rest of the day we sat there talking. After the sun was going down we decided to walk back to the house.

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