Chapter 9- Starting Over

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Chapter 9- Starting Over

I didn't get any sleep at all last night, all I could do was pack my bags and think about how my life would soon be changing.

I kept thinking about Cam and Rose, Tyler, and my parents that night. Images from that night have been replaying in my head over and over. It's starting to drive me crazy. I keep wondering what I will tell Cam and Rose, how are you suppose to tell your best friends you can't see them for a while? Or talk? It's actually pretty hard.. And it's going to be hard I guess to leave this house, since its where I grown up all my life.

While I was packing I turned around to see Jeff standing a few feet behind me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked him.

"Five minutes or less." He shrugged

"What all do I need to pack?" I asked him. I had so many questions pilled in my head, but I knew if I asked all of them it'd probably make him mad or annoyed.

"I don't know. Anything you need. I don't care." He said seeming annoyed for no reason. "I'll be down stairs waiting."

While I was finishing with packing I heard Jeff call from downstairs. "Are you ready?" He yelled

"Almost" I yelled back "Just let me get one more thing."

I walked into my parents room, the room was dark. There was a picture on my moms side of the bed of all of us together as a family. Tyler, my dad, mom, and me. I put the picture in one of my bags and walked down stairs.

"Ready." I said dragging 5 bags down the stairs with me.

"Why so much?" Jeff asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Help me get these bags" I told him.

We walked out of the house, and I locked the door. I stared at the house for a long time until Jeff got mad and told me to come on.

"Slender's going to teleport us. We have to go to the entrance of the woods." So that's where we went.

It was getting dark when we made it to the woods. Right when we made it and before I could say anything we'd been teleported to the front door of the house.

Everyone was there when we walked in the house they were all talking and carrying on conversations, while Ben played a video game.

"Jasmine!" Sally screamed as she ran up to me hugging my legs

"Hi, little one" I said smiling down at her.

I took my bags up to my room, my room was right by Jeff's and next to Bens, and across from Maskys room. It took an hour to unpack all my stuff, after I got done I took my phone out and sent Cam and Rose a message that said: Dear, Rose and Cam, I'm fine please don't worry I wont see you two for a while or be able to talk to you for a while that I know of. Just please don't worry, everything's about to get better I hope, Love Jasmine

I nearly cried when I pressed send but I held it in and made my way down the stairs to see what I hope I can call my new family.

My Beloved Killer (Jeff The Killer fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora