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[ AN: Very proud of this story, but the 'Parts' may be short, it just depends. I hope you guys enjoy, since I don't see many stories on Joel Adams. ]


[ Narrator's POV ]

It's been two years since Jessi and Joel have been together.  The two have been through thick and thin together, and always worked out arguments the both of you were having.  Even when he was away on tour, Jessi was stuck at home, sitting on her computer, talking with the butler, Samuel, or she preferred to call him Sam.

When one of them was away, he would still find time to talk to her, and she would do the same, even if they were in different time zones.  He meant everything to her, as she meant the world to him, and she wouldn't dare leave his side, there was no chance.

There were quirks to the relationships, but her favourite one was sleeping time.  Joel had a rough past, and his ex's really destroyed him, so, during the night, she would have to have at least one leg in between his, no matter the position.  He says that, "Once you're in between someone's legs, you're not leaving anytime soon", which makes her laugh every time.  Thing is, whenever she didn't put her leg in between his, he feels that she's not there anymore, and starts to get nightmares.

The nightmares consist of her leaving him for some odd reason, or even leaving him as in death.  One dream he had, she jumped off a cliff and just as she landed, his body jolted and he woke up abruptly.  He screamed her name, sweat pouring down his body, feeling anxious.  Her, knowing when he wasn't okay, soon woke up as well, and calmed him down with her famous line, "I'm never leaving you, Joel, you're my everything, and I love you so much".


[ AN: May fix later..? ]

Anyways, leave a vote if you like, comment for more, and share if you think others will enjoy the story as well. Thank you guys so much, and I'll try and post whenever I can, or whenever you guys want.

Stay beautiful,

- jess ❤️

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