OC Bio [Editing?]

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Name: Jessi (Jess) Stevens

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Name: Jessi (Jess) Stevens

Age: Starts series off at 25

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Date of Birth: February 27

Weight: 5'5

Height: 135lbs

Series: Joel Adams


Hair Colour: Ombre (brown to light brown)

Hair Length: Shoulders

Hair Style: Normally loose bun or down

Eye Colour: Dark brown

Make Up or None: Little to none

Glasses or None: Glasses


Likes: Photography, walks, cuddles, alone time, music, working hard at her job, reading

Dislikes: Stubbornness from others, being ignored, attitude


Mother: Stacy Stevens

Father: Rick Jones

Brother: Calum Jones

Sister: Carly Fweem

Youngest Sister:


Show: M3

Store: Best Buy, Garage

Food: Chocolate, Tacos

Song: High - Sivik / Sippin' on Fire - Florida Georgia Line / Sleepwalking - BMTH

Colour: Baby Blue

Activity: Photography

Genre: Romance

Holiday: Christmas

Cat or Dog: Dog


Description[editing]: Jessi has loved photography all her life. When she was a little girl, she would love to go and take pictures of anything. She started getting into a serious photography job when she turned 17, and from there, she studied hard and earned back respect from her parents, and respect for herself. Jessi enjoys reading in her spare time, and being the "grammar police" she is, she reads all genres, but her favourite genre is romance; she likes to classify herself as a helpless romance. Jessi also really enjoys music-maybe not playing an instrument, but she really likes to listen to music. When she was younger, she would listen to a variety, try and see what she would like for her near future, and she discovered that she likes; Pop, Remix, a little Country, and (BMTH). As she soon developed her skills to the outside world, school was over and she was ready to get moving. She knew about the American life and how it's difficult for some people, but she had a good head on her shoulders and she knew she would live the way she wanted; and since living in Canada was easy for things, she knew she had to develop her ways and live as an American-but always be the Canadian she is. As she moved to New York City, she found a good job placement and met a couple good friends there. One day, one of her newest friends asked her if she wanted to go see a concert with the rest of the girls, and Jessi knew she had to get out there; maybe find a boy; so she agreed to go. The concert was actually a Joel Adams concert, and she actually listened to his music before, and loved him. When the concert ended, she decided that since she was a "Professional Photographer", she would go and get close-ups, and when she did, Joel was glued to her. After chatting with Joel, they soon grew close to each other, and Joel decided to let Jessi in on some drinks with him, and then after a couple drinks, then went back to his hotel. Jessi knew she shouldn't be doing this, but it felt right. They actually didn't have sex that night, they thought it would be best to get to know each other since the drinks let them. Jessi did her best not to kiss him, so she stayed at a distance, but she didn't know he wanted more as well. | A couple years went by and Joel and herself still stayed in touch, even if he was farther away. Jessi let him into her life, and there wasn't anyone to smack her to stay "don't fall for him", but she did, and she's okay with it. They met up a couple times throughout the years, and on her 25th birthday, Joel surprised her at her apartment with her favourite chocolate and alcohol. As her birthday night went on, she decided it was time that she told Joel how she really felt. Joel feeling the same way, they kissed and immediately started dating. Jessi wasn't living with Joel until he moved to New York City himself, then he asked her to move in and she accepted, and from then on, for over two years, their lives became better.

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