Part Two

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[ Joel's POV ] Feb 8, 2025

"Hey, Joel. It's time to get up, you'll be late for your recording!" Samuel called out through the door in hurry, making my body twitch, and eyes squint from the sudden sun.

"Tell them I'm not going." There was a long pause, which kinda frightened me, but I left it and rolled over, only to roll off the bed in an ugly manner. "Ouch-fuck!"

"Karma, now get dressed and at-or I'll call Jessi-"

"Fine, fine-just, no." I groaned as I got up from the floor and strutted towards my closet. Picking something casual out; jeans and a white tee.  I put it on and strode out of my room. As I walked into the hall, I got a smell of deep perfume...almost like... "Mom?"

I walked into the living room and saw my mother and father-shit. I caught a glimpse of their eyes towards me before I could run away. My mother's face lit up as I looked in her direction, my father's was neutral.

"Joel, baby!" My mother's voice was high and full, her arms opened as I slowly walked towards her.

"Mom...hey." I wrapped my arms around her as she did the same to me. She squeezed me and shook my body, making me uneasy. Pulling away, I looked from her to my father.

"What you guys doing here?"

"We wanted to come see you since we haven't seen you since your last tour home." My mother said as she smiled joyfully towards me.

"Sorry about that, been pretty busy-which reminds me, Samuel?" I paused and looked towards him, he was grinning. "When is my recording?"

"Tomorrow afternoon,"

"Then why the hell did you wake me up so early?" I retracted my hands from my mother's arms and crossed them over my chest. He just giggled as my mother pulled my ear. "Ow!"

"Don't curse!" I pulled my body back, pouting. Now I really want Jessi here! My father huffed and found his way to the couch, slouching. My mother sighed and found her way to my father, leaving me to stand by myself.

"Hey," I paused, thinking if Jessi was busy. "I gotta make a quick call, I'll be right back." with hurry, I ran to my room and opened the door, shutting it as I walked inside. Looking around, I couldn't find my phone. Groaning, I crawled over the bed and stretched my neck to see my phone on the floor by the window. Quirking an eyebrow, I reached and grabbed it, turning on the screen to see 8 notifications from Jessi, that made me smile.

Unlocking the screen, I immediately went into the phone app and called her back. As I looked around the room while it was ringing, I saw Jessi's favourite candle jar on the floor. Appearing with a questioning look, I got up from the bed and walked over to the jar, picking it up slowly.

As I studied it, her voice broke the stare. "Hey Joel, I need to talk to you." sorrow corrupted her voice. My face fell and I put what was left of the jar on the dresser. There was silence, and it wasn't out normal, comfortable silence, it was tense.

She sighed, it was sketchy, "I'm sorry-for yesterday. I seemed harsh on you and I feel really bad about it. Yesterday was just stressful, but I'm sorry-I shouldn't have brought you into it, and-"

"Babe, it's okay, don't apologize...I'm sorry." I exhaled sharply-I didn't like when her voice sounded like it was now, it made my stomach upset-knowing she was upset. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, it wasn't right." I just want you in my arms. "I just really miss you, I hate when you're away."

"Me too, baby, me too." I could feel her put on a faint smile, which made me feel relieved inside.

"Please," I begged, "When are you coming back?" I crossed an arm over my chest and huffed.

"Joel..." she sighed, and made me huff even more.

"Come on, how bad is it-"


"No, I deserve to know!" My voice was raised.

"No, you don't. It's not your family so it doesn't matter." She raised her voice, louder than me. I closed my eyes and breathed out sharply.

"Fine, fine. Well, you know what!" Shut up! "We're done!" You're an idiot! "If you can't let me into your life, and let me know what's going on, then I can't trust you enough to be with you!" My body felt hot and brain clustered. I could feel my hand clench tightly. Soon there was silence, with faint cries. Body still stiff, I groaned and hung up, tossing my phone yet again.

"Ugh!" I racked my hands through my hair and tugged the ends-like she does. Exhaling sharply, there was a knock at the door. It was soft, yet demanding. Turning on my heels, I faced the window but agreed for whoever to come in. Sniffing the air, it was my mother.

"Joel, baby? Is everything alright?" her voice was sweet, full of wonder. Still frustrated with myself, I closed my eyes tightly.

"Does everything seem okay?" I shouldn't talk to my mother this way, but it wouldn't stop. I hear her sigh, and then my bed squeak. Curious, I turned around and opened my eyes, seeing my mother sitting on the bed.

"Why, haven't acted like this in years..." she whispered, facing her back to me. Years?

"What do you mean by that?" I said slowly, gulping. She stayed silent for a minute, making me anxious, "Mom?"

"The domestic violence. You haven't acted the way you just did since you were a child...and I thought it was just a faze..." her voice trailed off, sighing.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." Jessi. I suddenly felt a pain in my chest, slowly bringing my hand up and squeezing my chest. Jessi... I clutched harder, gritting my teeth.

"It's happening again, yet you never learn..." my mother turned to face me and had sorrow all over her face. I studied her as memories continued to flash...her name. Jessi!

"Mom...why is this happening?!" I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned.

"Because you lost her..."


[ Short but intimidating! ]

Okay, let's be real're enjoying this, aren't you.  Hehe, well, if you are, make sure to hit that vote button, and comment down below what you think is gonna happen!  Also, share with your friends and see what they think...hehe, now, tootle-loo!

Stay beautiful,

- jess ❤️

Please Don't Go [ Joel Adams x OC! Jessi Stevens ]Where stories live. Discover now