Part Five

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[ Jessi's POV ] Feb 11, 2025

Waking up at two am wasn't normally hard for me, but today felt tiring.  Slowly getting out of bed, I went to the washroom to shower and get dressed.  Grabbing two towels, I closed the bathroom door and started the water.  As t was the right temperature I wanted, I pulled the knob and as the shower ran, I undressed myself and hopped in.

The water was hot at first touch, but my body soon relaxed and let the water run down my back and to the front of my shoulders.  I crossed my arms over my chest and tilted my head back, letting the water run through my mixed-coloured locks.  I started to roll my head side - to - side slowly, and closed my eyes gently.  The only thing I wanted to think about was holding Joel in my arms again, and always think positive for both Joel and I, and my family home.

I finished what I had to do in the shower and hopped out after turning off the shower.  I wrapped a towel around my damp hair and a towel around my wet body.  I opened the door while turning on the bathroom fan, and walked back into my room to start getting dressed.  While getting dressed, I made sure everything was packed, then made my way downstairs.

I saw Paws lying on the couch, and to my surprise, Chase was still up.

"Chase, what are you doing up so late?"

"I'm going to drive you to the airport, silly."  he got up from his spot on the couch and grabbed his coat that was lying on the edge of the couch.

"Oh, thank you,"  I followed him to the back door as I put on my shoes and jacket.  Paws came to the door as well, making me get emotional.  Kneeling down, I kissed her snout and said goodbye, getting back up to wave to her.  Chase opened the door and as we walked out and closed the door behind me, I could hear Paws whining.

Sighing, I walked to Chase's jeep and placed my luggage in the back, then hopped in the front seat.  As he did as well, he buckled himself and started the vehicle.  While Chase drove away from the house driveway, we both stayed quiet, and that helped me think more-help?  Probably not the right word.

As we finally reached the airport, I started sniffling, trying to keep the cries back.  I peered over at Chase as he parked the car.  "It's going to be alright...and maybe the next time you come up it'll be with your man,"  he chuckled because the next time I do come up it will be with my baby.

Nodding, I leaned over and gave him a hug, he held me close.  "Your mother loves you, she wanted me to remind you."

"Tell Ma I love her too."  Pulling away, I unbuckled myself and hopped out, feeling oddly cold as I suddenly felt the cold winter breeze flow by.  Getting my bag out of the back, I waved Chase goodbye and walked to the airport, already missing them.


[ This is short, but the next chapter will for sure make up for this chapter. ]

I recommend reading this part because...holy cow the next chapter is a lemon-yes, I used lemon; because it's so sweet yet so sour...if you know what I'm saying. So, enjoying? Want more? Vote and comment and I will surely provide. Wanna share too? That'd be flippin' awesome...thank you guys. And, to make things better,

Stay beautiful,

- jess ❤️

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