The new students

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E: I'm BACK!!!!

Yami: *still glares at E*

E: Would you give it a rest?

Yugi: Yami if you keep glaring at her like that the first chapter will be her only chapter.

Yami: *stops glaring* Sorry. please make a happier chapter for my Aibou!


Yugi: E doesn't own Yugioh she does own the plot though. so no stealing!!!!

E: Please enjoy!!

Yugi's POV

I sighed as I walked into the class room with Ryuo, Mirik, (Sorry there are two different way people spell his name can someone please tell me how to spell his name?) and Joey.

I sighed. I couldn't stop thinking about the guy who was worried about me. 'I shouldn't have ran from him. Maybe I should've let him take me to the hospital....No than master and mistress would be mad and beat me even more! But I felt so safe when I was with him. Maybe could've protect me from them! Come on Yugi get a grip! That too much to hope for! Stop wishful thinking!'

"Is every thing ok Yug?" Joey asks. Seeing the sad face of his best friend.

"Yea Joey everything's good. It's just that I saw another me today and it's shaken me up that's all." I tell them.

We sit down. Luckily for us we're right next to each other. I sit next to the window, an empty sit, Ryuo, Joey, and the Milik (Yes I'm spelling them both! I'm so confused!) at the end of the row.

"Another you? Come on Yugi. That's not possible you were probably dreaming. I mean there's only one you." Ryuo says looking at me. "Ryuo's right Yugi you were dreaming! I mean no one on this earth could have that spiky hair and not know about it! Mirik says. He pulls me into a noogie. 

"Mr. Ishatar would you please releases Mr. Motuo?" The teacher asks.

He lets me go and sits down. I sit down as well.

"Now that what ever that was is over. I would like to introduce four new transfer students." She said.

The door opened up.

'Great more new students.....IT'S HIM!!!!!!!!!'

My eyes widened. cause there standing in the front of the room was the guy that looked exactly like me!  And it wasn't just me who had an almost exact copy of himself Ryuo and Milik have one too. Like mine they look more mature (and stuff) than us. Ryuo and Mirik's look a little more dangerous than mine. When I looked at him his crimson eyes meet my amethyst eyes.

"Would you four mind introducing yourselves?"

He looked away from me. "My name's Yami Sennen. The others with me are my cousins. The white haired one is Bakura. The sandy blond one is Marik. and the one who's no doubt glaring is Seto Kaiba." He says. And boy was he right Kaiba was glaring scaring all the boys in the class and making the girls think he was telling the guys to back off because she was his. (I though I would be more interesting when I started the Puppyshipping!)

"So you all have the same last name? but you're all cousins how does that work?" Joey asks.

"We all don't have the same last name you mutt." Kaiba says. "I'm not a mutt!" Joey says. "Really? Could've fouled me." Kaiba said. "Why I ode!" Joey said standing up ready to go punch Kaiba. The only reason he hasn't was because Ryuo and I were holding him back.

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