Merry Christmas!!!!

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E: Merry Christmas every one!!!!

Yami: Happy Christmas!

Yugi: Yami it's merry Christmas.

Yami: oh...Merry Christmas!

E: Little tip this chapter might get cheesy. But I don't care! You guys have been warned!

Yami: E doesn't own us she only owns the plot.

Yugi: Enjoy!

My POV (Yes I'm sort of in this one.)

It's Christmas eve!!! The day before the best day ever!!! But Yugi and Yami having a little trouble. They don't know what to get for each other. Yugi's out still trying to find the perfect gift for Yami. While Yami's trying to find the perfect gift for Yugi. Let's go see how Yugi's doing.

Yugi's POV

It's Christmas Eve and I still can't find the perfect thing for Yami. What am I supoused to get the greatest guy in the world?!

I already got Grandpa a gift. I got him a new phone not a super high tech one but it's still high tech enough for him to ask me how to work it.

I'm looking around and I don't see anything I'd think he'd like.

"Hey Yugi!" A voice called to me.

I turn to see Ryuo and Marik

"Hey guys What's up?" I ask her.

"Ryuo's helping me find a gift for Malik Pretty." Marik tells me.

"When he says help him. He means he took me from Bakura and is forcing him to help him." Ryuo tells me.

"I didn't take you. I barrowed you from the thief." Marik says.

"You grabbed me and said, 'I'll bring he back latter.' That means you took me!" Ryuo says back.

"....." Marik stayed quit for once.

"Any way what are you doing here Yugi?" Ryuo asks me.

"I'm here to find something for Yami." I tell them.

"Cutting it a little close there aren't you Yugi?" Marik asks me.

"Look who's talking." Ryuo tells Marik.

I sit down. Ryuo sits next to me.

"I don't know what to get Yami. I've been looking all over but I can't really find anything he might like." I say.

"I'm sure you'll find something for him. Do you have any ideas?" Ryuo asks me.

I shake my head no. "I don't even know the first thing about Christmas. So I don't know how I'm ever going to get him a present." I tell them.

Ryuo looks at me shocked. "What do you mean you don't know the first thing about Christmas?" He asks me.

"Well this is going to be my first Christmas . I've never celebrated Christmas before. My father never celebrated it when I was with him. He used to beat me more on Christmas so I was always afraid of Christmas. My grandfather never celebrated it because he knew that Christmas scared me. He wanted me to no longer fear my father and his beating before we celebrated it. Then grandpa got sick and I went back to my dad. so yea this will be my first Christmas." I tell them.

They both look at me shocked at what I just said.

"Some boyfriend I am. I'm sixteen and this is my first Christmas ever. I don't know what my boyfriend wants. I can't find him a gift for Christmas. I must be the worst boyfriend ever!" I say.

My sweet YamiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz