the first/second date

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E: Hey everyone I'm back!!!!

Yami: It's good to see you again E.

E: It's good to see you again too!

Yugi: Um I know Yami's usually the one complaining/wondering about the title but what's up with it?

E: No spoilers!!!!!!!!! You'll see in the chapter!!!!!!

Yami: Yugi if I didn't get a good spoiler in the last chapter what made you think you would?

Yugi: I'm cute! and here've got the puppy eyes of doom!!!!

E: Yugi you wouldn't use them on me right?

Yugi: Maybe.

E: Yami quick the disclaimer!

Yami: *sighs* E doesn't own Yugioh but she owns the plot so please don't steal.

Yugi: Enjoy!

E: Before I forget this will be a long chapter!

Yugis POV

"So what's Bakura's big idea Yami?" I ask.

"I have no idea." Was his answer.

Yami and I were on our way to Ryuo's house. (I know what I said in the last chapter they will mostly not be in the city!!! So I'm no liar!)

"Hey Guys!" a voice calls to use.

We turn to see Malik running toward us.

Malik gives me a back breaking hug.

"'!" I tell him.

"Opps." He says then lets go.

I gasp for air.

"You're very strong Malik just please don't use that strength on me please." I ask him.

"I'll try. No promises though." He says.

"Malik Pretty!" We hear some one yell.

We turn to see Marik running towards us.

He stops infront of Malik.

"" Marik asks out of breath.

"Sorry I saw Yugi. and I felt like hugging him." Malik says.

"That doesn't mean Malik Pretty should leave me!" Marik says to him.

The two just go back inforth.

"Time to go." Yami whispers to me.

Yami pulls me away from them.

"Well that was interesting."

Time Skip

"So why are we here Bakura?" Yami asks.

"Well Marik and I were thinking and we thought. That we should all go out together for one big first date!"

"WHAT?!" Everyone yell at the same time.

"I found a cute little pound a little ways outside the city and told Marik about it. He said that would be a good place for a date. So after a little bit we thought that sense were all in a relationship ship and not one of us has gone out on a date. That it would be the perfect place for all of us to have our first dates." Bakura explains.

'That's not entirely true. Yami and I already went out on a date together.'

(and suddenly the title makes sense!)

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