the letter

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E: Hi everyone!

Yugi: You're back! *hugs E*

E: It's good to see you again too Yugi!

Yami: What took you so long?

E: I was writing a new story! I can't always work on this story you know!

Yugi: *unhugs* Sorry we just missed you!

E: Well I missed you too!

Yami: So this chapter is about what?

E: No spoilers! You'll see!

Yugi: E doesn't own Yugioh!

Yami: Enjoy!

Yugi's POV

"Today wasn't so bad." Joey says as were walking home.

Ryuo, Malik, and I all look at him like he's crazy.

"Who are you and what have you done to my best friend!" Malik asks.

"What are you talking about. Mal I'm still the same old Joey.' He says.

"No. No you're not. The Joey I know would never like school." Ryuo says.

I try to think back to what could make Joey like school.

Then it hit me.

"You liked school cause you go to eat stuff in science class." I say.

"Yug. You  know me so well." Joey says with a grin on his face.

We all roll our eyes.

"So anyone else think school was ok today?" Joey asks.

"It was fine." Malik says.

"I learned some new stuff in ILA." Ryuo says.

"It was a  good day." I say.

"It was boring." Kaiba says.

Bakura and Marik look at each other.

"We didn't get cough today so it was great!" They both say.

"You all can speak for yourselves. My day wasn't that enjoy full." Yami says with a sigh.

"What happened to you?" I ask.

"Tea and Anzu. That's all I'm going to say." He says.

Joey nods.

"Those two always know how to make a good day into a bad one in one second." Joeys says.

We all nod in agreement.

Time Skip

"I'll get the mail." Yami says.

We nod.

We head inside (exact Yami cause he's getting the mail)

I step where Bakura steps so I don't active any traps they might of set up.

I go up to my room and start on my homework.

Knock. Knock.

I look up from my impossible math and science homework.

"Come in." I tell who ever is at a the door.

It was Yami.

"Yugi you've got a letter." He says.

He hands me an ivory white envelop.

"Thanks Yami." I say.

"No problem. Oh and Marik's cooking tonight for reasons unknown so can you make something in secret tonight?" He asks.

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