Happy valentines day!

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E: Hey everyone!

Everyone: Hi E.

Sora: So you feeling better?

E: feeling great!

Yami: Good now get on with the chapter!

E: Hold it Yami or you don't get your valentine treat.

Yami: I can wait.

E: good. anyway. I hope you all enjoy this. I have no experience in valentine dates and stuff (forever single and alone) other than just reading fanfics or watching movies. so enjoy and hope you don't mind if it's kinda sappy and sweet.....ok Yami go a head and do the declaimer.

Yami: E doesn't own Yugioh. She just owns the plot and her Oc ,Sora,

Yugi: Enjoy!

Yugi's POV

It's valentines day! I've been waiting to give Yami my valentine's day note. it took me a while to write but I hope he likes it.

I'm getting ready for our date. I'm about to get in the shower when I hear my phone go off.

I walk over to my nightstand and grab my phone. I got a text from Yami.

Yugi, I don't think I can make it to our date. I'm being forced to help Bakura plan something romantic to do with Ryuo. Again I'm so sorry. -Yami

I read the text than reread the text before it finally hits me. Yami wasn't coming to our date!

"Why couldn't you do this yesterday? Why'd you have to cancel on valentines day?" I ask ,even though I knew he wasn't going to answer, I sighed.

Well Bakura isn't the most romantic person in the world so it makes sense that Yami is helping him.

I better text Yami to tell him that I understand.

Yami's POV

I was walking down the sidewalk by myself when I heard my phone go off.

I take it out of my pocket. I had gotten a text...from Yugi.

Don't worry about it Yami. I understand. We can have our date another time. Just make sure Bakura plans the best date for Ryuo! -Yugi

I looked sadly at the text.

I felt my heart ache a little.

I felt so bad.....

I felt so bad for lying to Yugi.

Yugi's POV

I walked out of the game shop and was heading to the park.

Since Yami cancelled our date. I figured I'd head to the park.

"Yugi! Hey wait up!" I head someone call to me.

I turn to see Sora.

I stop to let her catch up with me. She runs over to me.

"Your really fast. what's your hurry?" She asks. "I'm not in any hurry. Just going to the park." I tell her. "Really?" She asks me shocked. "Yep." "I though you and Yami would of been out on a date today. Since it's Valentines day and all." Sora says. "Yami and I did have a date planed but Bakura needed help. So Yami had to cancel." I explain.

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