Moving out

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E: I not longer have writer's black...for now any way.

Yugi: Yay!

Yami: What's up with the pic and title.

E:  It was so cute I had to put it in! Can you blame me?! Just look at how cute it is!

Yami: I've seen cuter and for the title?

E: Yami it was going to happen evenly so I thought I was going to make it now.

Yami: What?!

Yugi: Yami don't worry I'll visit.

Yami: E doesn't own Yugioh she just owns the plot so please don't steal.

Yugi: Enjoy!

Yugi's POV

"You ok Yugi?" Yami asks me once we get back home.

"Yea. I'm fine." I tell him.

I race back in side and up into my room.

I lay on my bed.

'I can't stay here with Yami. No matter how much I want to. I have to go back to the game shop!'

Knock knock

I look over to my door.

"Come in!" I tell who ever is at my bedroom door.

I saw Yami come in.

"Yugi. What's wrong.I know some things wrong." Yami says.

Yami sits next to me.

I sit up and look at him.

"I didn't want to move back in with Gramps. I wanta stay here with you!" I tell him.

Yami pulls me close to him.

"I thought you liked the game shop." He says.

"I do like it." I tell him.

"Then you should go! To be honest it'd be safer there then it would be here." Yami tells me.

"How so?" I ask him.

"Two reasons. Reason one no Marik. Reason two no Bakura." He says.

"You do have a point about that." I say.

"You being away from those two would be a good thing." He says.

"Yea. It would be better. I won't have to worry about loosing the door to my bedroom again. (If your confused. reread Confessions of love) I never thought that I would loose that." I say to Yami smiling and laughing a little bit.

"Yea. Not something you'd ever expect to loose." He admits.

"But Hey think of it this why Yugi you'll have a funny story to tell. I lost my bedroom door!" Yami says to me. I laugh even more at that. Yami starts laugh along with me.

'He's trying to cheer me up! He's go kind!'

"Thanks for cheering my up Yami." I tell him. Then I peck his check.

"No problem. I never ever what to see you upset Yugi. I always want to see you happy."

I hug him.

"Really thanks Yami." I say to him.

"And it's really no problem."

Time Skip

I put down the last heavy box in my room. Jk! I walk into my room.

"I'm not sure if it's a good thing that you don't have any stuff." Gramps says to me.

"It's fine I don't mind and besides it makes it easier to move." I tell him.

"True. That is true." He says nodding.

"This room hasn't changed a bit." I say.

"I know. Isn't it a little kidish? How about you go to town tomorrow and buy some stuff for your room." Gramps suggests.

"Thanks Gramps but were would I get the money?" I ask him.

"Well there is still some money in the register and I'm sure there will be some costumers. So you could help me with the shop and I could pay you." Gramps says to me.

"Good idea Gramps." I say.

"The shop doesn't open for another 20 minutes so you can d what ever Yugi." Gramps tells me while walking out of my room. He closes the door on the way out.

"I'm bored I don't really have much to do."

'I might as well go down and see if Gramps needs any help.'

Time skip

I hear the bells on the shop door gingle meaning that there's a customer.

"Welcome to Kings Game shop! How may I help you?" I ask.

"Hey Yugi." A femiller voice says to me.

I turn around to see Joey and Yami standing in forunt of me.

"Joey! Yami what are you guys doing here?" I ask them.

"We're here to see how you're doing." Yami tells me.

"Yea. Looks like Gramps is already putting you to work!" Joey says.

"Actually Joey it was my choice to help him." I tell them both.

"Really?" Joey asks me.

"He's not lying. He said he wanted to help out in the shop." Gramps say coming from the back room.

"Hey Gramps! You look well." Joey say to him.

"The same to you Joey. Tell me how's school going?" Gramps asks him.

"School's ok." He says.

"You remembering to hand in your homework?" He asks.

"Homework? HOMEWORK!!!!!" He yells.

Joey runs out of the game shop and runs off to who knows where.

"I think he forgot to do his homework." I say.

"Guess so." Yami says agreement.

"Same old Joey Wheeler." Gramps says while shaking his head and leaves the room.

"So Yami did you and Joey need anything?" I ask him.

"Yes actually. We were wondering if you would like to hang out tomorrow." He tells me.

"Sure. I think that's a great idea." I say to him.

"I agree. Marik and Bakura thought it up actually." He says surprised.

"They did?" I ask him.

"Yes surprisingly they did." He answers.

"Well good for them then." I say.

"Yea. So do you think you can?" He asks me.

"Yea! I'd love to!" I tell him.

E: Finally done!!!

Yugi: I liked it yet didn't like this chapter.

Yami: I agree with Yugi.

E: Well it's all I could think of! I'm sure you both will love the next chapter though!

Yami: Really what is it?

E: Sorry Yami No spoilers.

Yami: Awww! Please!

E: One thing They will not be in the city

Yami: Really that's it?

E: Yep! now no more spoilers!

Yami: Pleas comment we'd love to hear what you think!

Yugi: We hoped you enjoyed!

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