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//////A/N: Wow look at me avoiding my responsibilities and updating twice in one day! Enjoy frens.//////



Dan wracked his mind for something to say to his new acquaintance. Sure, he was used to having to socialize from his father's many parties, but he never was very great at it.

"So Phil, what brings you aboard the RMS Titanic?" What kind of question was that? You've already embarrassed yourself enough, go back to the party and leave this poor guy alone.

"I, uh, I family... we are moving to America. I have family in New York. You?"

"My family is moving to America as well, my father is expanding his business. Says New York is the place to be. I don't buy it, but I guess he knows what's best."

"You don't want to go to America?"

"Nah. I was happy back at home. I left a good friend behind, and, truthfully, I'm scared. What if America is entirely different from Britain? I'm not sure if I would like it that much."

"I hear America has a lot of potential, but even if you don't like it, you could always return to Britain right?"

"I guess so," Dan nodded.

Phil's timid manner relaxed and he leaned back against the railing, which made Dan a bit nervous. Dan joined him and looked over the railing at the ocean. It was a long way down. He caught Phil staring at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Afraid of heights?" Phil asked, lifting an eyebrow questioningly.

"Not as much as the ocean," Dan replied.

"Afraid of water?" Phil laughed.

Dan shook his head, slightly embarrassed. "Well, I can't swim too well. If I fell over this railing right now I'd drown in a heartbeat."

Phil stopped laughing and settled for a more serious expression. Dan noticed how blue the boy's eyes were and compared them to the ocean beneath them. The ocean was dark and frightening, but Phil's eyes were bright and welcoming. The way they crinkled at the sides when he smiled made Dan feel warm and calm; whereas, the ocean was cold and rigid. He much preferred Phil's blue to the ocean's blue. He tried to focus on them instead, as he had been known for panic attacks when overthinking something he feared.

"You couldn't fall over this railing right now, you know why? Because I'd catch you, and even if I couldn't I'd probably jump in after you. Couldn't just let you drown now could I?"

Dan looked up at Phil and met his eyes. "Thanks."

Dan had only just met this guy and already felt safe near him. He had never met anyone like Phil before, someone who he could warm up to so quickly and easily.

Dan coughed and broke the long eye contact, "so, why are you out here so far from the party?"

"I'm not really fond of parties, too much socializing for me. You?" Phil replied, now seeming much more confident.


Phil laughed, "So we are out here socializing while trying to escape a social situation."

Dan laughed along with Phil, "I suppose so. But I don't really mind this so much. You seem nice... different from most of the people I've met. Normally others would be comparing their family's wealth to mine by now in the conversation."

Phil slightly nodded, "oh...yeah... I hate when people do that."

A comfortable silence followed as the two boys watched the ocean move against the side of the boat.

Dan secretly stole a glance at Phil every few seconds. He was pale, perhaps more so in the moonlight. He also had straight black hair and looked to be slightly shorter than Dan, but older. His clothing was slightly wrinkled and his shoes looked like they need a cleaning. Dan wondered why Phil would wear that to a party when he was a first class passenger. His clothes looked expensive, but would not make a great impression in their state. Would it be rude of me to ask about his clothes? Dan thought to himself.

Phil caught him staring and smiled, and suddenly his apparel didn't seem to matter so much. The only thing Dan knew in that moment was that he really, really liked Phil Lester and the way his eyes were brighter than the moon that night.

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