
191 14 8

1912, 13th April


Phil was woken up by his brother and forced to have breakfast with his family at a reasonable hour. He sat at a table with his family, and ordered his food. He spotted Dan eating with his own family. Dan didn't seem to be paying much attention to the table's conversation and stared at his food. 

Phil tried to pay attention to his own table's conversation, but found himself glancing at Dan more. Yesterday had been great...fun...intimate even. Phil was glad to know that Dan trusted him so much; he was determined to confess his secret to him today. 


Phil spent most of the day with his family and didn't really see Dan around. He finally escaped from the family bonding after dinner and decided to look around for him. A party was being held just below the deck, probably for the second-class passengers, and Phil could hear their cheerful laughter and music. He finally found Dan near the secluded bow of the ship with his hands in his pockets, looking out at the ocean. 

Phil silently moved next to him. "Hey."

"Hello Phil," Dan smiled, turning to look at him. 

"Why are you standing alone over here?" Phil asked. 

"I was just thinking." Dan replied.

"Do you want me to leave? I can come back later..."

"No, it's fine. Honestly, I missed talking with you today. What have you been up to?" 

He missed me. Phil looked away to hide the small blush that was creeping it's way up his cheeks and shrugged. 

"Not much. Spending time with my family, you?"


Phil looked around and wondered if most of the first class passengers had retired to their rooms because the deck area they were in was empty.

"Phil?" Dan suddenly asked.

Phil turned his attention back to the brown eyed boy. 

"Yes Dan?" 

"Do you think we'll keep in touch in America? It would be nice to have one familiar face to speak to in the country."

Phil remembered what he had been planning to tell Dan. Will you still  want to talk to me when you find out?

"I would like that very much Dan." Phil smiled. A comfortable silence fell between the two boys as the faint music below the deck continued to play. Phil decided now would be the best time to tell Dan. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything he felt Dan's hand intertwine with his. He quickly looked down at their hands and then up at Dan, who continued to stare at the horizon. Phil tried, but could not read his expression. Is this normal for friends to do?

Dan finally turned his head to look at Phil. His face was still unreadable.

"Phil...do you... um...do you want to dance?" Dan asked nervously.

Phil blinked a few times. Is this a dream?

Phil nodded slowly, forgetting about everything else but the soft brown eyes staring back at him.

Dan took their entwined hands and held them up and then placed his free hand on Phil's waist. Phil placed his free hand on Dan's shoulder and they slowly swayed to the faint music. 

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