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/////////////////////A/N: Here's a super short update///////////////

1912, 15th April

Phil immediately felt a static burning sensation from the icy waters as they engulfed his entire body. He couldn't feel anything; his body was in complete shock. All he could hear was a loud ringing in his ears. Before he knew it, he felt a tugging sensation from two arms which he could faintly feel around him. He smiled to himself, he and Dan made it in together; all they had to do now was swim to some debris floating around. Phil could do it, he just had to remember how to move.

The tugging sensation around his shoulders became stronger and soon the ringing in his ears faded and Phil could hear faint screaming.

Phil slit his throbbing eyes open and began to make out blurry moving images.

He managed to fully open his eyes and the glaze over his vision cleared. He saw a bunch of people's heads looking down at him.

"He's alive!" Phil heard one woman's voice shout.

She threw her fur coat over him and lifted his head onto her lap. Phil coughed up some water and turned his head, fully remembering where he was. He painfully propped himself up and looked around. He was on one of the rafts near the titanic, which had not fully sunk yet. He looked at all of the people and quickly grew worried. There were a few soaking wet people like him who had also been pulled from the water, but no one familiar. He looked over the edge of the small wooden raft desperately looking for the boy he had sworn he remembered jumping down with.

His heartbeat quickened as he saw a few floating bodies next to him in the water and his head exploded in pain.

He tried to ignore it and croaked out the brown-eyed boy's name, "Dan! Dan where are you?! Please answer me! Dan!" It was difficult to see through the dark.

Phil turned to the woman who had given him the coat, "Have you seen a boy with curly brown hair and brown eyes around my age?" The woman shook her head apologetically.

Phil stood up slowly and attempted to jump back in, but the other people on the boat had no trouble holding the weakened boy back.

"No! Let me go!" Phil fought. "He's afraid of the ocean! I have to protect him! I have to help him! I promised!" Phil cried. He felt his body begin to convulse and his vision began to blacken.

"He's afraid..." Phil said slower. "Dan." His eyelids grew heavy.

The last thing Phil saw before he blacked out was a mess of curly brown hair bobbing out of the water.

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