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1912, 14th  April


Dan was happy.

For once in his life, he was entirely overcome with pure joy and it was all because of Phil. Going in to this trip was scary, a new home, leaving everything he knew behind...but now, he was excited. He looked forward to this new adventure, as long as Phil was with him. So, on the 13th of April in 1912, is when he knew for sure he had fallen in love with Phil Lester; it had only taken 4 days. Phil had been there for him, Phil didn't judge him, and Phil didn't just like him for his wealth. So, Dan took a chance...the final test. He kissed Phil, he danced with Phil, and he loved every second of it.

When Dan woke up the next day, he still had a smile on his face. This was so unlike him, it confused his family. His brother had even asked him why he was so happy. Dan used some lame excuse, saying he was just excited to be traveling somewhere new.

Dan was slightly worried, however, not as much as he was happy, but he did have his concerns. Dan wanted to be with Phil, he wanted to learn more about his life, he wanted to learn everything about him. However, he knew his parents would never approve; society would not approve. Dan was breaking all the rules by being with Phil, but he didn't care.

He supposed they could somehow run away together once in America; though, they would have no source of income. If Dan stayed with his family, they would have to meet in secret. Every option had its downfalls, but every option included Dan and Phil staying together.

Dan ate breakfast with his family and socialized with all of the big wigs his father knew. This was something Dan had to do a lot. This time at the table one of his father's acquaintances had his daughter with him. She was blonde with big blue eyes and the straightest teeth Dan had ever seen.

His father made small talk with the pair, every once in a while nudging Dan to join the conversation. Dan began looking around for Phil and caught him entering the room with his family. Dan smiled as the sight of the boy triggered his memories of the night before. Phil smiled back with a slight pink tinge on his cheekbones that Dan absolutely adored. He never thought he could make someone blush.

"...yes, my boy Dan here is at the perfect age to start thinking about marriage. We haven't had the chance to find any young ladies with the whole moving to America, it's been difficult..." Dan immediately drew his attention back to the conversation at the mention of marriage.

"Yes, we have experienced the same hardships...but I do trust you and I have watched your son grow up as well. I do not see why not." Dan's father's friend said. What are they talking about?

"We can begin planning the engagement now then?"

"Yes I think that would be best."

"Engagement?" Dan interrupted.

"Yes Dan it's about time you start thinking about marriage." Dan's father replied.

Dan shook his head. "I don't think I want to marry anyone for a while..."

"Dan that is not your decision to make. You're of age and you'll be working for me so you will be financially stable enough to settle down in America." Dan's father said in a stern tone. Normally Dan would shut up by now, his father was a scary man, but he couldn't let him control him this time.

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