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///////////A/N Thanks for the lovely comments! Here's an extra long chapter as a reward :)////////////////


Phil laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. Dan was still on his mind and all he could think about was their earlier conversation. He thought about all of the stupid things he did and said to Dan and blushed, covering his face with his hands. Did he like Dan more than just as a friend? He had never felt this way about anyone. Most of the kids from school had never paid him much attention, especially after his family had come into money troubles; so he never made any friends. Maybe this was normally how friends felt about other friends?

I don't think friends obsess over other friend's physical traits.

Phil sighed and rolled onto his side. He cleared his mind as best as he could before drifting off to sleep.


When Phil woke up the next morning all he could remember from his dream were soft brown eyes staring back at him and a room full of small cakes.

Phil stretched his arms over his head and yawned. He hadn't slept so well in years. He figured this was due to the fact that he had not gone to bed with a full stomach in years. Martyn was the only other person in the room. He was lazily sprawled out on the sofa with a book in his hands and a cup of tea balancing on his chest.

"Where's our parents?" Phil asked his brother.

Martyn turned the page of his book and without looking up replied, "I had breakfast with them about an hour ago, they wanted to explore the rest of the ship, but I felt sick still so I came back here."

"Oh," Phil said as he messed with his hair in the mirror.

"Mum wanted me to tell you. She had our clothes cleaned up this morning. I guess first class passengers get that luxury..."

Phil turned around and found a tagged rack with his clothes. He quickly got dressed and headed upstairs to breakfast. The ship was so big Phil had to stop and ask a crew member where the breakfast was being served. By the time he got to the correct room his stomach was growling. There weren't many people around, Phil assumed this was because it was no longer breakfast time for most normal people. He had always been one to sleep in.

Phil sat down at a table and a waiter walked up to him and handed him a menu. Phil ordered buttered toast, sausage, and eggs and the waiter left to get his food. Meanwhile, another waiter came and poured him a cup of tea.

The first waiter returned with Phil's food, Phil thanked him and he walked to another table. Phil looked down at his food, he was really going to miss these full meals. He dug in and finished the entire plate before the butter had even melted onto the toast.

The waiter came back and took the plate, smiling at Phil, "will that be all sir?"

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