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////A/N: This chapter is about 1500 words long wowzers!!!Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my fic! btw the italicized parts are Dan and Phil talking to themselves in their heads, the underlined character name before the paragraph is the person who is talking to themselves, but you've probably figured that out by now... just to clarify though. enjoy!///////////////////////


Once Dan and Phil were dressed and ready they walked to the shallow edge of the pool. There were two other men around their ages there but they kept to themselves on the deep end.

"Would you be comfortable with getting in the pool yet Dan?" Phil asked calmly. Dan was incredibly grateful for Phil's calm demeanor and willingness to help him. His father and brother would have thrown him in the water by now.

"You first." Dan said, staring quite intensely at the evil body of liquid in front of him.

Phil slid into the water, careful not to splash Dan because he wasn't sure just how scared of the water he was. Dan sighed, feeling even more embarrassed because he really was that afraid of the large pool of water. He didn't really know where this intense fear had come from, his Mother had told him that, when he was just 2 years old, he had been playing outside when he fell in a stream near their home. Luckily, his father was around and heard the splash, because he saved him just in time. His mother guessed that that was where the fear must have surfaced.

Dan had no problem drinking water, but when it came to large bodies of water, he could just imagine the liquid pulling him deeper and deeper under until he could no longer breath. Being on a boat in the middle of the ocean was not on Dan's bucket list, yet here he was, in front of a swimming pool, on a boat, in the middle of the Atlantic. That was an accomplishment enough in itself.

Phil turned in the pool to look at Dan. The water was so shallow and it only surrounded his hips.

"You don't have to do this if you're not sure about it," Phil said.

Dan ignored him and sat at the edge of the pool, carefully sliding one foot in at a time. His hands were clutching onto the floor beneath him and he could feel his entire body shaking. Dan took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes. You can do this Dan.

Dan opened his eyes and saw Phil walking closer to him. Phil reached out his dripping, wet hand and placed it on Dan's shaking one.

"'re shaking..." Phil pointed out. He scrunched his face up into a worried expression. 

Don't be worried...

"Oh really? I didn't realize that," Dan said, rolling his eyes. 

Phil ignored his sarcasm and continued, " you want me to help you?"

Dan raised an eyebrow, dropping his sarcasm. "Phil, you are helping me." 

Phil shook his head and paused to think for a second. He seemed to come up with an idea and cautiously moved his other hand over Dan's other still-shaking hand. 

"W-what are y-you doing?" Dan asked, as he was now being pinned by the older boy.

"I'm teaching you how to swim. Open your legs." Phil replied, looking Dan straight in the eyes. Dan tried to read his expression, he seemed to be completely calm, so he opened his legs reluctantly trusting the boy.

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