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/////////A/N: mentions of physical abuse in this chapter, read with caution if this is a sensitive subject for you.//////////


Dan walked through the ship as slowly as he could, but eventually made it back to his cabin where his parents were waiting.

"Daniel where were you?" His mother spoke first from her seat next to his father on the sofa.

"I was socializing with family acquaintances." Dan replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Is that all?" His mother asked skeptically.

Dan sighed and sat in a chair across from them. "Yes mother."

"Daniel your brother told us he saw you walk out of a storage closet and, a few moments after, a young man followed. What do you have to say about that?" Dan's father asked.

"I would have to say he's seeing things." Dan said matching the same annoyed tone as his father.

"Are you calling your brother a liar? Because his friend was with him at the time and witnessed it too."

"Father I-"

"No Daniel I want the truth. You can't imagine how stressed this is making your mother and I...one moment you're defying our engagement plans in public...a-and the next you're seen sneaking around with a man? What has gotten into you?!" Dan's father stood with his fists clenched. Dan was afraid, but he was more afraid of what might happen to Phil if his father got too angry.

"O-Okay I will t-tell you everything just sit down, p-please f-father." Dan tried to say calmly. His father stood his ground for a few moments staring daggers at his son until he finally complied.

"Just tell us the truth, son." His mother said, placing her hand over his father's.

"I think you know the truth." Dan said simply. He looked at his mother, pleading for her understanding.

"Son, have you been courting a man behind our backs?" His mother asked looking defeated.

Dan took a deep breath and looked at the floor. He figured the best way to do this was to just tell the truth, he had no other options.

"Yes, mother. I-I love him."

Dan's mother gasped and his father stood up, grabbing Dan roughly by the collar. His father pinned him against the wall with a hard thud and slapped him across his left cheek. Pain shot up his spine and met with the stinging in his cheek. He could hear his mother silently crying as his father took no mercy on him.

He tried to push his father away but was already too weak. His father closed his right hand into a fist and swung it at the side of Dan's head. Dan cried out in pain as he felt his skin immediately begin to swell against his father's knuckles.

"You will stay here for the rest of this cruise and think about what you have done! You will not be permitted to see that boy ever again! We will not speak of him or think of him ever again! We will forget he ever existed! And once we are in New York, you will begin your engagement to the woman of my choosing! Do you understand Daniel?!" His father yelled. Dan let out a choked sob and nodded.

His father threw him roughly against the wall perpendicular to them and without so much as a second glance, turned and walked out with his mother, locking and slamming the door behind them.

Dan slid down with his back against the wall, cupping his swelling bruises with his hands. His tears mixed with a small bit of blood that began to trickle from his head wound. Dan noticed the blood, but didn't care, all he could do was cry and sob Phil's name.


Phil didn't see Dan for the rest of the day, he grew a bit worried, but figured he was just on bad terms with his parents and wanted to stay out of sight.

Phil spent most of the day with his brother, they swam around in the swimming pool for hours and had a lot of fun looking through all of the books in the library. They joined their parents for dinner and Phil noticed that Dan's family was there eating without him. Phil thought this was strange, but decided to look past it. After dinner, Phil's family went back to their cabin, bidding Phil a goodnight.

"Don't stay awake too late, sunshine." His mother said, kissing him goodnight. Phil nodded and went to the deck to wait for Dan. He looked at the clock on his way up noticing it was already 10:30pm, so he excitedly hurried to their designated meeting spot. Once he got there Dan was nowhere to be seen. Phil leaned his back against the railing and kept his eyes trained on the deck entrance.

After what felt like ages, Phil decided to leave and check the time with the clock back in the restaurant. This was unlike Dan. Did he change his mind? Wouldn't he tell me first?

The clock's hand fell on 11:38. Phil had waited out in the cold for over an hour.

Feeling worried and a little hurt, Phil decided to head back to the deck to look for Dan one last time.

On the way up Phil heard a loud, terrible, scraping noise. He gripped to the stair railing a bit tighter until the sound stopped. What was that? He wondered.


Dan woke up to a startling loud noise and quickly pulled himself off the floor where he had been laying for hours. He looked around the cabin, but his family was nowhere to be seen. Scared and alone, Dan convinced himself it was just part of his nightmare.

He walked to the sink and looked at his bruised and bloodied face in the mirror. His heart ached, all he wanted in the world at the moment was Phil. He closed his eyes as he washed the water from the sink over his wounds and imagined Phil wrapping his long arms around him, protecting him from all of his fears and worries. He could stay there with him forever and never get restless.

However, once the pain set in again, his lovely thoughts were taken over by his father's harsh words.

Dan grazed his hand over the lump on his head and heard his father yelling, "We will not speak to him or think of him ever again!"

Dan winced as he cleaned the cut beneath his cheekbone. "We will forget he ever existed!"

Dan slammed his fists into the sink. "No!" He screamed at his reflection. "You stupid arrogant asshole! You will not control who I can or cannot love! That is not your decision to make!"

Dan spun around and began to pack his things. "I'm going to leave this family. I don't care I'll have to sleep in the storage closet until we get to New York. I refuse to be told how to live my life any longer." Dan told himself. His mind was made up and as soon as his family returned he was going to sneak out the first chance he got.

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