
180 15 0

1912, 12 April


Phil didn't really know what to think of Dan. He's a great friend that just happens to be good looking, Phil thought. No matter how many times he had caught himself glancing at Dan's lips...or thinking about Dan's eyes. That was beside the point! You haven't even known this guy for more than 2 days Phil! Stop obsessing over him!

He's from an upper-class family, he wouldn't even speak to you if he knew you were poor!

Now that one hit Phil hard.

Did Dan really seem like the kind of person that would just outcast someone from his life for being less wealthy than himself? Phil wasn't sure. He barely knew the guy.

Phil decided that if he saw Dan again today he would try to learn as much about him as he could; then, if Phil was absolutely sure that he was a good guy, Phil would tell him about his money troubles.

Phil headed to the breakfast cafe that he had been to the day before. Now the cafe was completely empty and Phil worried they would no longer be serving breakfast. He took a seat and a waiter came out of the kitchen and handed him a menu. Thankfully, the menu still had breakfast items, the items were all the same as before so Phil ordered the same thing. The waiter took his menu, but stayed for a moment longer.

"Sir, I'm sorry to trouble you, but is your name Phil Lester?" The waiter asked.

"Yes, it is." Phil answered, inquisitively.

"A boy came by about a half an hour or so ago and told me to give you this." The waiter pulled a folded paper from his pocket and handed it to Phil.

Phil thanked the waiter and the waiter returned to the kitchen. 

Phil opened the thin, folded paper and attempted to read the nearly-illegible cursive writing.

-Meet me on the deck where we first met~Dan-

A small blush crept up Phil's neck, along with a smile. He folded the paper neatly and stuffed it in his shoe because he didn't have his coat with the pockets. The waiter came back with breakfast and Phil didn't have much time to enjoy it this time because he had a 'meeting' to attend to with Dan Howell.


Phil rushed to the deck and looked around the area he had met Dan 2 days before. He waved to his brother who just so happened to be walking around with Dan's younger brother, coincidentally. Phil's brother was older than him, but they seemed to be getting along quite well, regardless.  

Phil looked around once more, making absolutely sure he was on the right side of the deck; Dan was no where to be seen. 

Am I too late? Phil wondered.

He finally gave up and leaned against the railing, looking out at the ocean. There was no sign of life, other than the Titanic passengers, for miles. The Atlantic seemed to be never-ending; so distant from Phil's past and future, like a space in between. He was leaving behind everything he knew and traveling to a new foreign land, but in this moment, he was neither here nor there. 

He heard heavy footsteps coming from his right side and turned his head to see Dan running towards him. 

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Dan gasped, trying to catch his breath. 

"It's fine, I haven't been here for very long." Phil replied, now fully turned towards the brown haired boy. 

Dan finally caught his breath, which may have taken a little too long to be healthy, and smoothed his wrinkled clothing. "I was waiting here for you earlier and my Father found me and forced me to join him and his friends for brunch at the restaurant. I would've come sooner if I could, but they kept starting new conversations before I could have a chance to be excused."

Phil smiled, "I understand Dan. Why did you write me to meet you here?"

Dan's shoulders dropped and he trained his eyes on his shoes, "I wanted to ask you something..."

Phil scrunched his eyebrows together, "Okay...what do you want to ask me?"

"...I um...well..I want to learn how to swim.. and I-I wanted to ask you if you could show me how," Dan dropped his head lower so his fringe covered his eyes.

"That's wonderful Dan! ...But...why me?" Phil asked softly.

"Well you told me...when we met...that you would basically risk your own life to jump in the water and help me if I fell in...I just figured I could trust you."

Phil's heart rate increased slightly, but he didn't pay it too much attention.

Dan apprehensively looked up at Phil, waiting for a response, "So...will you help me?"

Phil smiled, hoping it would boost Dan's confidence, "Of course I will Dan! I'd be happy to."

Dan gave Phil a wide, genuine grin, which was 'thank you' enough for Phil.

"I'll make it up to you somehow, I promise!" Dan took Phil's hand and led him to the indoor pool room.

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